Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Canadian "Human Rights" Commissariat Sucks Up to UN "Human Rights" Commissariat

The United Nations' grotesquely misnamed "Human Right" Council is quite the abomination--a racket in the iron grip of some of the most deplorable, rights-abridging (and not incidentally Israel-despising) nations on the planet. And yet our very own grotesquely misnamed Canadian "Human Rights" Commission feels the need to genuflect to this bunch of Durban Conference(s)-organizing thugs. What follows is a speech, the latest posting on the CHRC site, in which a CHRC flunky promises to uphold UNHRC "values". The flunky makes a number of risible assertions (which I've taken the liberty--liberty, now there's a concept!--of highlighting and commenting on):

March 16, 2010
Delivered on behalf of the Canadian Human Rights Commission by Katharina Rose, Geneva Representative of the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (ICC)
Thank you, Mr. President.
I speak on behalf of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, a National Human Rights Institution accredited with A status. (Like it's High School or something, and the CHRC gets an "A" from teacher. You'll get no "A" from me, sister. More like a big, fat "F".)
We congratulate the Independent Expert for a very informative report, and commend her efforts to make a positive impact on the protection and promotion of minority rights in Canada. (Who needs her? Who asked her? Who wants her?)
Canada is one of the most tolerant and diverse countries in the world. The proportion of Canadians belonging to a racial minority has tripled in the last 25 years and minorities are expected to comprise 20% of the Canadian population by 2017. This diversification contributes to a richer Canada with a stronger social, economic and cultural future. (What drivel/received Trudeaupian wisdom/multiculti pablum. This diversification is leading us down the garden path toward greater accommodation to sharia--and that hardly bodes well for our future in any way, shape or form.) 
Over the past few decades, Canada has implemented many initiatives to foster equality among all its citizens, and in particular to protect the rights of racial, religious, linguistic and cultural minorities. Nevertheless, some issues remain. For example, income levels are lower and unemployment rates are higher for immigrants than for other Canadians. (Now we get to the real agenda--not "rights" so much as Marxism that wears a "human rights" smiley face: "income redistribution" as a "human right".)
Racial minorities continue to be markedly under-represented in the federal public service. As a result, the Government of Canada, as an employer, has not met the objectives of the federal Employment Equity Act. Increased rigour and positive measures will be required to achieve success in this regard. (Oh, you mean more reverse discrimination is in order? Isn't that, you know, kind of "racist"?)

Most Canadian law enforcement and security agencies have policies in place against the use of racial profiling. The Commission has urged these agencies to systematically collect human rights-related data on the discretionary decisions made by their front line personnel. It is only through documenting and monitoring these decisions that information can be gathered as to whether or not inappropriate profiling is occurring, and that steps can be taken to prevent discrimination where necessary. ("But don't worry. We won't be collecting any data on anyone who's screaming 'Death to the Jews!' in an angry mob of Jew-haters or preaching 'The kufr is the devil' from mosque pulpits. That might inhibit the screamers' ability to feel welcome here in our Shangi-La of 'diversity'.") 

The Commission will follow the Independent Expert’s work, in the interests of our shared objective of advancing human rights in Canada. (Our "shared objective"? Gott in Himmel. The only thing I'd want to share with the wretched UNHRC is a bad case of the flu.)


Admin said...

Did you read what this 'expert' actually wrote ?

What a bunch of leftist psycho babble !

Close down the UN now.

Anonymous said...

As usual well said!!!

Just one fault

"reverse discrimination"

No such thing, just racial discrimination. I think it's a badly coined term. As it implies that racism was caused or started by us silly white folk. People of colour were selling each other long before.