Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Geert Wilders the New William of Orange?

A Telegraph blogger thinks so.

Update: Maclean's begs to differ with the blogger (link not yet available online):
...Some express their concerns oliquely: a column in the U.K.'s Telegraph wondered if "Geert Wilders [is] the new William of Orange." the 17th-century Dutch prince who took the British crown--sweeping in, at the invitation of Protestants, to prevent a Catholic dynasty from ruling the land. Others feel no need to mute their disquiet: shortly after Wilders's municipal victories were announced, Germany's Die Tageszeitung newspaper featured a front page photo of Geert Wilders smiling broadly--with a taped on Hitler moustache.
Well, if a German newspaper equates Wilders and Hitler, it must know what it's talking about, right?

Let's see: Hitler said that the Jews cleaved the world in two--the World of Jewry and the World That Had Yet to be Claimed for Jewry, and, as per what it said in their holy texts, Jews desired to compel the planet to "submit" to Judaism's "universal" law. As such, he called for an end, once and for all, to unfettered Jewish immigration.

Yup. They're dead ringers alright. (You may have noticed the huge irony here: that all the stuff about the Jews secretly plotting to control the world is utter tripe, although it is widely believed, while all the stuff about Muslims wanting the world to submit to sharia--as they are commanded to do in the Koran--is completely true and right out there in the open, and yet many--too many--choose not to believe it.)

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