Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CASMO's Reaction to the Ceej's "Hate" Complaint

Someone at CASMO has a really dark sense of humour. (Whoever said there were no jokes in Islam obviously didn't know what he was talking about.) Following the exposure of its KKK video proclivities by Sassy and BCF, along with and two articles in the National Post, they have responded to Bernie Farber's cease and desist order by retaining the Duke video, moving it down some, and adding another Duke video (of him being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN). They've also added two videos to their line up that, pointedly, feature Jews. One shows Jewish chicks at an anti-Israel protest; the other features Liberal MP Irwin Cotler.

Gee, you don't suppose the Shias are trying to send the Jews a message (something along the line of "screw you, you aren't getting one of our clocks"), do you?


Jay Currie said...

Sort of Seinfeldinan "Clock Nazis" as it were.

Dr.Dawg said...

I've taken you at your word, Scary, but damned if I can find either vid over there now. Could you point me in the right direction, please?

scaramouche said...

You aren't keeping up, Doc: