Ooo, scary. But not nearly as scary as the prospect of crazed Shia Twelvers armed with A-bombs. (Obama is at his ugliest when he's desperate, don't you think?)

Update: The last word on the subject (for today, anyway) goes to George Jonas. He writes:
Letting 12th-century minds have access to 21st-century weapons in exchange for a promise of 'peace in our time' is likely to ensure a war in our time - and one that may not even be possible to win.Update: Channeling his inner Stubby Kaye, Obama presents his dire warning to the Jews via the chorus to a song from Guys and Dolls:
And I say to you Jooos sit down,
Sit down, you're rockin' my boat.
And I say to you Jooos sit down,
Sit down, you're rockin' my boat.
For you're dissin' the Ayatollah
Even though he's promised quote "peace" unquote.
Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down,
Sit down, you're rockin' my boat!
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