Jewish bien pensants in the Diaspora who think they can install a cordon sanitaire around Israel, and thereby prevent the Leftist-Islamist Zionhass that targets Israel from blowing back onto them, should think again. Here's more evidence (it's from the NYT) that the "new" Jew-hate is the same as the old Jew-hate, there's an Israel in the picture to hate along with Jewry, so it's what you could call a package deal:
LAST week, Twitter shut down a popular account for posting anti-Semitic messages in France. This came soon after the firing of blanks at a synagogue near Paris, the discovery of a network of radical Islamists who had thrown a hand grenade into a kosher restaurant, and the killing of a teacher and young pupils at a Jewish school in Toulouse earlier this year. The attacks were part of an escalating campaign of violence against Jews in France.
Today, a sizable section of the European left has been reluctant to take a clear stand when anti-Zionism spills over into anti-Semitism. Beginning in the 1990s, many on the European left began to view the growing Muslim minorities in their countries as a new proletariat and the Palestinian cause as a recruiting mechanism. The issue of Palestine was particularly seductive for the children of immigrants, marooned between identities.
Capitalism was depicted as undermining a perfect Islamic society while cultural imperialism corrupted Islam. The tactic has a distinguished revolutionary pedigree. Indeed, the cry, “Long live Soviet power, long live the Shariah,” was heard in Central Asia during the 1920s after Lenin tried to cultivate Muslim nationalists in the Soviet East once his attempt to spread revolution to Europe had failed. But the question remains: why do today’s European socialists identify with Islamists whose worldview is light-years removed from their own?
In recent years, there has been an increased blurring of the distinction between Jew, Zionist and Israeli. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the militant group Hezbollah, famously commented: “If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice I do not say the Israeli.”...
I did notice that, Hasswipe. Why, if I didn't know that this is 2012, I would have thought it was 1933, and you were speaking as a Nazi in Germany.
You can't call his statement an anachronism because that word is defined as something that's out of place in a particular era (like, say, a wristwatch on a charioteer in the film Ben Hur). The Judenhass/Zionhass the Hezbo-Nazi manifests is, well, timeless.