Friday, October 26, 2012

First Amendment No Biggie to Power-Besotted Obama Gang.

How quick the Obama White House was to throw America's exceptional First Amendment under the bus by rounding up the unusual suspect, the director of a crappy film trailer that "insulted" Islam's founder. And how helpful the media have been in covering for their guy, first by zeroing in on Romney's "gaffe," second by remaining steadfastly incurious about...well, let's call it Benghaziquiddick, shall we?, since, unlike Watergate, real human beings suffered the ultimate insult--an ignominious death. All in all, one of the most shameful episodes in American history and the history of the media. One must therefore conclude that so-called progressives do not care about truth or justice or freedom or the American way. All they care about is power--how to get it, and once they have it, how to keep it.

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