Sunday, October 28, 2012

Buckaroo Bangash B-B-Qs the "Sacred Cow" of Free Speech

Friendly local Khomeinist Zafar Bangash, the guy behind Toronto's anti-Mo film protest as well as our annual Queen's Park Al Quds Day seethe-a-thon, has a bone to pick with Western notions of "free speech." It's so unfair, he moans from his bully pulpit in Khomeinist 'zine Crescent International, that Muslims don't get to speak freely by, say, freely indulging in anti-Semitism. And any time there's the "mere" suspicion "that they might be 'thinking' to harm Americans," Muslims run afoul of what he calls "systemic targeting." Quel "double standard," he fumes. Furthermore,
Why do the French, Americans and Westerners think they can insult the most revered personalities of Islam but Muslims must put up with it because of this sacred cow called “free speech”? It appears the notion of “free speech” in the West means the freedom to insult, in foul language, the revered personalities of Islam.
Dern tootin', cowboy. If you don't like it--and, going out on a limb here, I have a sense that you prefer the sharia way of arranging these matters--you could always relocate to, say, Iran, where such speech is not tolerated; where it is, in fact, dealt with in the harshest terms possible. The price of living here is having to put up with something that you find intolerable, but that we infidels revere.

Look at it this way: if we didn't have free speech, you wouldn't be able to put on your anti-Zionist hoe-down every year, and that would suck for you, buckaroo.

Update: Speaking of sacred (or is it scared?) cows...

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