Friday, October 12, 2012

More Ontario "Human Rights" Insanity--Pre-Op/Non-Op Transgendered People Can Now Change the Gender on Their Birth Certificates

In other words, Babsy Hall et al have handed a precious few the power to reverse/rewrite history:
People who live as the opposite sex in Ontario can now change their gender on their birth certificates without first undergoing sex-change surgery. 
New rules that have recently come into effect allow transgender people born in the province to apply to have the document amended by submitting a letter from a practising physician or a psychologist.

Susan Gapka, chair of the Trans Lobby Group, hailed the change as a crucial step for the transgender community in having their gender identity recognized. 
“We’re going to celebrate this victory — because it is a victory, it’s a giant leap forward,” she said. 
“Trans people’s identification will more easily match their presentation to the public.” 
Ontario is the first province in Canada to scrap the requirement...
Of course it is. That's because we have the nuttiest "human rights" nuts in the land.

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