A Rara Avis on Campus: A University Administrator With Common Sense AND Balls
An email sent out by Stand With Us, an awesome organization that is actually making some headway in breaking through the adamantine Israel-hate on campus, quotes a McGill U. authority (the "rare bird" referenced in the headline):
...We congratulate all of the students who stood up for their rights and refused to condone a motion that undermines hopes for a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians.While the global boycott movement against Israel employs the rhetoric of human rights and social justice, its agenda actively undermines these ideals. The racist logic of this movement is that Palestinians cannot be free without degrading Israeli rights and turning the Jews back into a stateless people. McGill students stood up for their values by opposing this fundamentally unjust cause.
To quote the excellent statement of McGill’s Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Suzanne Fortier, sent in an email today to all students, faculty and alumni of McGill,
“…I wish to explain why the University’s administration continues to steadfastly oppose the BDS movement, of which this motion is a part.The BDS movement, which among other things, calls for universities to cut ties with Israeli universities, flies in the face of the tolerance and respect we cherish as values fundamental to a university. It proposes actions that are contrary to the principles of academic freedom, equity, inclusiveness and the exchange of views and ideas in responsible, open discourse. These are the core principles of McGill University, as affirmed by its Senate and Board, which should always guide the McGill community."
StandWithUs Canada is particularly proud of the determination and courage of McGill student leaders in fighting this campaign of hatred and discrimination on their campus. We will continue to work to support students in taking back Canadian campuses from anti-Israel, anti-peace extremists
Fortier's fortitude and clear-sightedness should serve as a model to those at other universities (they know who they are) who, to date, have manifested the balls of a flea and the clear-sightedness of a Mr. Magoo.
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