The UN's Latest "Apartheid" Canard/A Rocking Tribute to the Late Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry, aged 90, is dead, and the UN recently published another crazy, canard-riddled "report" which "proves" beyond a doubt that Israel is an ee-ville, apartheid-practicing entity. Put 'em both together and you get something like this:
It was the same old nonsense that the UN's been purveying for years.
It "explained" how Is-ra-el deserved our judgment and jeers.
And see the old aspersions have been packaged as "apartheid" smears.
"C'est la vie," says the OIC bloc through floods of crocodile tears.
They furnished all the lies that were so pleasing to their ears.
How they pined for "Palestine"; it earned their undying cheers.
And the aim, of course, was to eliminate the Jewish frontiers.
"C'est la vie," says the OIC bloc through floods of crocodile tears.
Their hate was so transparent, man, they let it blast.
57 member nations with a checkered past.
But then Gutteres reads the thing and it's as bad as he fears.
"C'est la vie," says the OIC bloc through floods of crocodile tears...
Update: Senior UN Official (a Jordanian chick) Resigns As Israel ‘Apartheid’ Report Shelved but the PA chieftan is so thrilled with her that, quelle shockeroo, he's giving her big props.
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