Bringing terror and havoc and tears.
The president take to the air
To try to ease our fears.
His message: We will get 'em back--
Of that there is no doubt.
But please don't blame on it on Islam:
It's as peaceful as all get out.
He said: it has nothing to do with Islam.
Not a whit to do with Islam.
Not a bit to do with Islam:
Islam's the religion of peace.
An army medic, a Fort Hood shrink,
Gives a Power Point talk to his fellows.
Not long after that he opens fire:
"Allahu Akbar!," he bellows.
The powers-that-be all scratch their heads
As they try to work it out.
"Workplace violence" is their clueless bleat
And they claim that that's what it's about.
They insist it has nothing to do with Islam.
Not a whit to do with Islam.
Not a bit to do with Islam:
Islam's the religion of peace.
A dude in Philly wears Wahhabi chic
As he shoots a cop in his car.
The cop he takes three bullets
As the shooter shrieks, "Allahu Akbar!"
The Philly mayor, who's as deaf as he's dumb,
Immediately "explains" what's awry.
At the same time, though, he decides to ignore
The intent of the shooter's cry.
Hizzoner said it has nothing to do with Islam,
Not a whit to do with Islam,
Not a bit to do with Islam:
Islam's the religion of peace.
Hear 'em roar: it has nothing to do with Islam,
Not a whit to do with Islam,
Not a bit to do with Islam:
Islam's the religion,
The lovely religion,
Islam's the religion of peace.

1 comment:
Hizzoner reminds me of the ship's doctor in Battleship Potemkin explaining to the sailors that the worm infested meat they are given to eat is perfectly good. How did that end up for the powers-that-be?
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