Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wherein I Seek to Answer Why Barack and His Minions Did Their Utmost to Position the Murder of Four American Personnel In Benghazi as Being the Result of an "Insult" to Islam

Why would Obama do such a thing? Why hew to a patently bogus narrative for so long?

My take: It's because throughout his presidency, Obama has evinced an obsession with Muslims and their "feelings."

Witness his Cairo speech; witness his strong-arming Israel; witness his idea that the agency responsible for sending a man to the moon should amend its mission and concentrate on boosting Muslims' self-esteem. Witness, post-Benghazi, the abject apology to Muslims re that film both on Pakistan TV and at the UN.

Face it--Obama is consumed by the need to make Muslims like him. That's what he thinks about, what he cares about, the most. Even if it is not in America's best interest (which, obviously, it is not). Even if it means he has to lie to the American people (which, obviously, he has done). And even if it ends up costing him the presidency (which, fingers crossed, it will).

And maybe once he's out of office, he can get some much-needed psychotherapy, and figure out why he was willing to sacrifice it all for such a quixotic quest. (I suspect it has a lot to do with his self-admitted daddy issues.) Wasn't he listening to his friend and mentor Oprah when she 'fessed up again and again on her TV show about her own "disease to please," and how debililating and pointless it was?

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