Update: Iran's ABNA asks, "Will you wear a hijab?"
Maranatha Baptist University in Watertown [Wisconsin] and its Division III athletic teams have used the name since its founding in 1968. Matt Davis, the university’s executive vice president, said no complaints have been received by the school and stressed that it coincides with its name change from Maranatha Baptist College in December.
“But I also agree that times change and we understand that context changes,” Davis told FoxNews.com. “Our world has changed since 9/11 and we’ve become a more global society with the Internet. The heartbeat behind this was not political correctness, but expanded opportunities for our students.”
Selecting the university’s next mascot will be a collaborative effort, Davis said, and the new name will be revealed during the spring semester. Uniforms will reflect the change beginning in the fall. Hundreds of potential replacements have already been submitted by students, alumni and university stakeholders...Might I suggest "The Maranatha Dhimmis"?
In dissociating itself from terrorism and terrorist entities, the current U.S. Administration has shown far less resolve than Canada at best, and encouragement for terrorism at worst, as in Obama's befriending the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA], a Muslim Brotherhood entity which he went so far as to seek advice from when he visited the Middle East last March. For some background: Steven Emerson, an expert in national security, terrorism, and "Islamic extremism," published an article in the Investigative Project on Terrorism entitled: "ISNA Admits Hamas Ties". Hamas, which rules Gaza, is a terrorist organization that calls for Israel's obliteration. U.S. federal prosecutors have named ISNA, among three prominent Islamic organizations in the U.S., as participants in an alleged criminal conspiracy to financially support Hamas. ISNA was listed as one of the "unindicted co-conspirators" in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) case, in which HLF founders were convicted of funneling more than $12 million to Hamas. During that trial, ISNA and the North American Islamic Trust were also listed as "entities who are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.
ISNA's branch in Canada found itself in hot water, too, when four months ago the Canada Revenue Agency [CRA] stripped it of its charitable status over terror funding, following an audit of its books that pointed to evidence that linked the organization to Pakistani terrorist groups. The CRA issued a press release that stated, "The Government of Canada has made it clear that it will not tolerate the abuse of the registration system for charities to provide any means of support to terrorism." Meanwhile a federal court has just backed up former immigration minister Jason Kenney, by stating that he acted reasonably in cutting federal funding to the Canadian Arab Federation for supporting terrorist organizations.
While Canada continues to crack down on terrorist-supporting entities, the current U.S. Administration has been busy tightening its relations with the "unindicted co-conspirator," ISNA, praising it as a "pillar of the American Muslim Community", and entering into consultative collaborations with it before U.S. President Barack Obama left for Israel last March. Obama met with ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid and other Muslim and Arab American leaders to discuss issues "that will pertain to his upcoming trip to Palestine, Jordan and Israel." In addition to the consultations on his Middle East trip, Obama also had "an extensive 90-minute conversation... about his plans for immigration reform," according to the ISNA website...Given all that, one can understand why American Jews would be hot for Obama, and why Canadian leftist Jews would whine about Harper's failure to see Israel's flaws as clearly as they do. ;)
Though some 200 individuals were part of the “accompanying party” that joined the official delegation, questions have been raised as to who made the list and who didn’t.
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl of Beth Tzedec Congregation, one of Toronto’s largest synagogues, was not among those invited on the trip. He’s not sure why. There has been some discussion in the community about the list. “Jews talk about all kinds of things.
People talk, who is on, who was not on.”
According to Rabbi Frydman-Kohl...the Prime Minister’s Office made the final list after soliciting suggestions from major Jewish organizations. MPs submitted their own lists.Gee, Rabbi, might your pointed exclusion have had something to do with this?
It is not a coincidence that most of the Obama administration scandals happened under the leadership of women. The Obama administration chooses to surround itself with “yes men” and “yes women,” but liberal “yes women” have an advantage: it is hard to criticize and grill them when a scandal happens without being accused of sexism and being a bigoted woman-hater.
In our current political environment, liberal politicians in general, men and women, get away with a lot more than conservative politicians because of media liberal bias. But liberal female politicians can get away with a lot more than their male counterparts, and that explains why almost all the Obama scandals have female faces behind them. Under ordinary conditions, men or women should end up becoming fall guys or gals, but many of the women behind the Obama scandals end up rewarded, sometimes even with a better position.Interesting theory—but I think there's another factor at play. I think Obama is a bit of a wuss who is used to, and even enjoys, being pushed around by alpha women (including Valerie Jarrett and his wife).
a Hamas scarf (keffiyeh) that bears a well-known Palestinian slogan - 'Jerusalem is ours - WE ARE COMING!' It also includes a map of Palestine that says, 'From the River to the Sea!' In other words, Malik is saying, THERE IS NO ISRAEL.
Do Palestinian refugees in Syria suddenly forfeit their identity when the narrative no longer implicates Israel as the oppressor?Apparently they do when UNRWA shills for shekels on their behalf. They become generic "civilians" because there's nothing to be gained by identifying them as "Palestinian refugees" when Israel can't be blamed for their suffering.
Usama bin Laden was a freedom fighter and the U.S. is a “neocolonial power,” according to a California state university teacher whose writings are required reading for his political science students.
Emmit Evans, a political science lecturer at the public university Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, requires students in his "World Food Systems" class to read the textbook he co-authored, "The Other World." In the book, about politics in the developing world, Evans offers up a sanitized version of the 9/11 mastermind and the terrorist group he headed.
The Al Qaeda movement of Osama bin Laden is one example of an attempt to free a country (in this case, Saudi Arabia) from a corrupt and repressive regime propped up by a neocolonial power (in this case, the United States),” the book says.
At least one student found the description hard to swallow.
"It totally blew my mind that a professor would essentially call Al Qaeda a bunch of freedom fighters in required reading for class," Aaron Bandler, a junior who took Evans’ class, told FoxNews.com.
Asked about his line referencing Al Qaeda, Evans told FoxNews.com in the language of academia that he merely presents facts and doesn't moralize.
"With respect to my writings, they are empirical, not normative," he said...They're a total crock, more like. Which is kind of ironic given that the prof's first name means "truth" in Hebrew.
Some of my Jewish friends can’t decide what’s more offensive – Mr. Harper’s lovey-dovey friendship with Bibi Netanyahu (not their favourite guy), or the casual assumption in some parts of the media that all Jews think alike, that all they care about is Israel, and that their votes can be bought so cheaply.
“I find that completely offensive,” Donna says. “It’s insulting and demeaning.”
There is something about Stephen Harper that makes a lot of people irrational. Israel makes people irrational, too. So I guess it’s no surprise that when you combine Mr. Harper and Israel, a lot of people start saying really stupid things. This applies especially to our progressive opinion elites, who seem to have decided that Mr. Harper has twisted Canada’s Israel policy out of all recognition. Some of them also seem to believe that Canada’s Jews are so numerous, so powerful, and so single-mindedly devoted to Israel that they can significantly influence our politics and foreign policy. I am afraid this vastly overestimates their clout. Although it’s true that their accomplishments are out of proportion to their numbers, Jews account for only 350,000 of all Canadians. That’s roughly 1 per cent of the population.
As for Canada’s Israel policy, it’s pretty much the same as it ever was. Canada supported a two-state solution back in 1947, and that has never changed. The Chrétien regime tilted a little more toward the Palestinians, but the Martin regime tilted back. Those who say we’ve sacrificed our role as an “honest broker” in the Middle East are simply nostalgic for the days when the Liberals were in power. They bitterly lament the decline of a “principled” approach to foreign policy, by which they mean their principles, as opposed to Mr. Harper’s, which they don’t like...More than a few of those leftist lamenters are Jews who loathe Stephen Harper and his (booga booga) scary right-wing agenda, and who can't wait until their mahdi, Justin, assumes the reigns of power. That eventuality is the only thing that can temper their Harper Derangement Syndrome and scale it back to non-pathological levels.
In a letter on the OHRC website, Hall slams the woman who complained, saying there is no documented case of a heterosexual man gaining access to a women’s changeroom by “posing as a transgender.”
In such situations, “transgender persons are more at risk than anyone else of being harassed, abused, assaulted, or even killed,” Hall said.
“For more than 15 years, transgender people in Ontario have had the legal right to use the washroom — or changeroom — according to their lived gender identity,” she said.
Hall slams those who call for segregation of transgender people into separate bathrooms and changing spaces.
“This is a practice based on fear and stereotypes, and is exactly opposite the vision of Ontario’s Human Rights Code, which is to build an Ontario based on inclusion, where everyone feels a part of and is able to contribute to the community.”
Oh, please.
“Fear and stereotypes” have nothing to do with it.
Modesty and the expectation that you’re sharing a changeroom with a person of the same gender is more realistic.
I am sure we’re all sympthetic to transgendered people, but it’s unrealistic for them to expect to be accepted by the mainstream of women in a changeroom if they still have male parts.Oh, Christina, you're such a "transphobe." Don't you know there's a pecking order of victim groups in Ontario, and at the moment "trans" is flavor of the month while chicks-from-birth just don't cut it (so to speak)?
Gender identity is linked to a person’s sense of self, and the sense of being male or female. A person’s gender identity is different from their sexual orientation, which is also protected under the Code. People’s gender identity may be different from their birth-assigned sex, and may include:
Transgender: People whose life experience includes existing in more than one gender. This may include people who identify as transsexual, and people who describe themselves as being on a “gender spectrum” or as living outside the categories of “man” or “woman.”
Transsexual: People who were identified at birth as one sex, but who identify themselves differently. They may seek or undergo one or more medical treatments to align their bodies with their internally felt identity, such as hormone therapy, sex-reassignment surgery or other procedures.
Intersex: People who are not easily classified as “male” or “female,” based on their physical characteristics at birth or after puberty. This word replaces the inappropriate term “hermaphrodite.”
Crossdresser: A person who, for emotional and psychological well-being, dresses in clothing usually associated with the “opposite” sex.
Trans: An umbrella term used to describe individuals who, to varying degrees, do not conform to what society usually defines as a man or a woman.
Gender expression refers to the external attributes, behaviour, appearance, dress, etc. by which people express themselves and through which others perceive that person’s gender.Good to know. The problem, of course, is that when some victim groups are more equal than other victim groups--and more equal than other ordinary folks who fail to make the victim grade--society as a whole is undermined, and common sense flies out the window.
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Several VIPs--i.e. Ontario "human rights" commissars |
Right at the very end of President Obama’s State of the Union address, when he started talking about “feet planted firmly on the ground,” I thought he might break out into at least a recitation of the “Soliloquy” from Carousel. And no, I’m not being the least bit disrespectful by noting this, as never has there been a showstopper, at least by my footlights, as terrific as Billy Bigelow’s. If only Rodgers and Hammerstein (especially Oscar in this instance) had a few weeks to work with Obama in New Haven.Dunno about you, but I feel a song coming on:
English students at the University of Missouri can now take a full course on all things Hova and Yeezy.What, no Beyoncé? How sexist!
Entitled "English 2169: Jay-Z and Kanye West," the course will examine the power-duo's joint and respective careers from three different angles, according to the syllabus:
"1. Where do they fit within, and how do they change, the history of hip-hop music?
2. How is what they do similar to and different from what poets do?
3. How does their rise to both celebrity and corporate power alter what we understand as the American dream?"
Course activities include "listening to music and watching videos," as well as reading critical works on rap music, poetry studies, and Jay Z's 2010 biography Decoded.
The right today is preoccupied with fighting Islamism; the left is preoccupied with fighting "Islamophobia."Also, the right today is preoccupied with freedom; the left is preoccupied with abridging freedom for the sake of "human rights," "diversity," "inclusiveness," and, oh yeah, "accommodating" sharia.
The president gives a performance, extremely animatedly, head swiveling from left-side prompter to right-side prompter, continually urging action now: "Let's start right away. We can get this done. . . . We can fix this. . . . Now is the time to do it. Now is the time to get it done." And at the end of the speech, nothing gets done, and nothing gets fixed, and, after a few days' shadowboxing between admirers and detractors willing to pretend it's some sort of serious legislative agenda, every single word of it is forgotten until the next one.Let me be clear...it's going to be a real snoozeroo.
"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams
he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect..."
In Reza's honour, let's all run out and buy a SodaStream machine! |
Between about 2005 and its closing in 2010, unsuspecting taxpayers were forking out for a special Department of Foreign Affairs unit called the “Muslim Communities Working Group.” Its mandate, now “disappeared” from DFA’s website: “increasing awareness and understanding of Islam and Muslim communities.” No other religion or its adherents had similarly privileged government treatment. Related activity apparently continues, even after the Working Group’s formal 2010 shuttering.
The Working Group was initially run in 2005-2006 by Ugandan-born Canadian Muslim diplomat, Arif Lalani. Contrary to the Bercovici experience, neither network journalists nor the foreign service association revolted against the Working Group’s Muslim emphasis or its boss’s religious affiliation. Neither did objections arise when Lalani later became ambassador to Muslim countries Afghanistan, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation – a multi-nation Islamic group pushing for Islamic sharia law censorship in the international system. Indeed, back in 2009, CBC was cheerleading Lalani as “the only western diplomat invited to pray with Afghan President Hamid Karzai at the end of Ramadan,” an invitation from which many non-Muslim diplomats were presumably excluded.A Muslim? Canada's "first-ever" OIC envoy? Why, it's an outrage! ;)
Long story short: Competitive Enterprise Institute “scholar” Rand Simberg wrote an article attacking [Prof. Michael] Mann’s research and, trying to be topical, referenced the fact that he teaches at Penn State as the basis for an oh-so-clever PSU Michael Mann = Penn State football coach/kid rapist Jerry Sandusky analogy. Writing at NRO, former drama critic Mark Steyn whose climate science knowledge is limited to knowing all the lyrics to They Call The Wind Maria, LOL’d and repeated what Simberg wrote. When Mann protested, CEI backed down and deleted the offending lines but not the rest of the post. On the other hand National Review Editor Rich Lowry seemed to be under the impression that he was William F. Badass Jr. and told Mann and his attorneys to pound sand...
My advice to poor Michael is to go away and bother someone else. If he doesn’t have the good sense to do that, we look forward to teaching him a thing or two about the law and about how free debate works in a free country.
“Poor” Michael Mann didn’t listen to Rich Lowry, and instead called his bluff and sued anyway forcing Lowry to beg for money from his readers because the treasure chest at National Review – which is a money losing wingnut welfare suckhole – couldn’t cover the check Lowry’s dumbass wrote...
And now Mark Steyn is in quite the pickle himself, divorced from the legal firm that was defending him and the magazine after he excoriated the former judge in the case for being a stupido. Tactically, that isn't considered the brightest chess move to try in the halls of justice. Steyn is now representing himself, like a character in a wacky sitcom racing from the defense table to the witness chair as he cross-examines himself, and estranged from National Review, where he is considered a star attraction, such is the condition to which conservatism has fallen.I dunno about "a wacky sitcom," but a relevant scenario did appear in the first season of acclaimed TV drama The Good Wife. An episode called "Infamy" dealt with, among other plot points, an obnoxious right wing TV host named Duke Roscoe--think Rush Limbaugh crossed with Glenn Beck and/or Bill O'Reilly. This being a CBS show, the right winger is a caricature/stereotypical ultra-conservative who, on a TV show that attracts a large and loyal following of like-minded nutjobs, calls people out for being "commies" and "limo leftists." A truly heinous character, he accuses a young mother whose baby had been kidnapped of murdering her infant. And he does so over and over again, with absolutely no evidence and going solely on his gut feeling, to the point where the distraught mom cannot take it any more, and kills herself. Whereupon her husband sues the blowhard and it comes to trial. But don't imagine that just because the judge in the case is a real lefty, and that Rush, er, Duke points out their obvious political differences (thereby implying that the judge will be biased), that that's going to matter a whit. Not when the lefty judge is adamant about the First Amendment being so crucial to American freedom. For, even when the jury rules against him, the leftist judge immediately overturns its decision on the grounds that First Amendment rights are inviolable.
According to an email invitation sent out by the Writers Guild East and obtained by Breitbart News, members of the Hollywood elite and the Obama Administration will be gathering in the middle of next month for a panel titled, "The Affordable Care Act: Comedy, Drama & Reality - Portraying ObamaCare in TV & Film." Julie Green Bataille, a director at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), will represent the Obama administration.For obvious reasons they omitted the most pertinent category: Tragedy.
Can't wait for the episode in which "Pajama Boy" and Kathleen Sibelius guest star |
Tony Blair has reignited debate about the west's response to terrorism with a call on governments to recognise that religious extremism has become the biggest source of conflict around the world.
Referring to wars and violent confrontations from Syria to Nigeria and the Philippines, Blair, writing in the Observer, argues that "there is one thing self-evidently in common: the acts of terrorism are perpetrated by people motivated by an abuse of religion. It is a perversion of faith."
Identifying religious extremism as an ever more dangerous phenomenon, the spread of which is easier in an online age, he says: "The battles of this century are less likely to be the product of extreme political ideology, like those of the 20th century – but they could easily be fought around the questions of cultural or religious difference."...Gee, ya think? That being so, it would be most helpful if you could at least peg it for what it actually is--neither an "abuse" nor a "perversion" but a central tenet of supremacist Islam.
Ultimately, we might ask, just what did this visit do except reinforce a status quo with some mutually soothing, self-comforting delusions? Did the visit urge Netanyahu to give the nuclear deal with Iran a chance? Did it introduce Netanyahu to a broader Canada, and Harper to a broader Israel?He forgot to ask if it helped the Aboriginals and the transsexual community ('cause if it didn't, then what was the point?). ;)
According to NBC News, the Justice Department will soon prohibit religious profiling in terror cases. The move, if true, would completely blind federal law enforcement to the threat from Islamic extremism.
Already, the department has forced the FBI to bleach references to "Islam" and "jihad" from its counterterrorism training materials. It's also made it harder for agents to infiltrate radical mosques.
But Attorney General Eric Holder reportedly now wants to make it illegal for agents to even consider religion in their investigations.
Democrats on the Hill are cheering the changes, along with the ACLU and radical Muslim Brotherhood front groups, who have all lobbied the administration for them. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has seen several of its officials jailed on terror-related charges, calls it "a step in the right direction."..."A step in the right direction"--oh, you mean towards Mecca? ;)
It is 65 years now that the world of arrogance has been trying with all its power to impose the existence of the Zionist regime on Muslim nations and to make them accept this regime. But it has failed. We should not look at some countries and governments which are willing to act against their national interests in order to safeguard the interests of their foreign friends - who are the enemies of Islam - and to consign Islamic interests to oblivion. Peoples are opposed to the presence of the Zionists.
It is 65 years now that they have been trying to erase the memory of Palestine, but they have failed. During the 33-day war in Lebanon and during the 22-day war and - for the second time - the eight-day war in Gaza which were waged in recent years, Muslim nations and the Islamic Ummah showed that they are alive. The Islamic Ummah showed that despite the investment of America and other western powers, it has managed to preserve its identity, to slap the fake and imposed Zionist regime across the face and to frustrate the allies of oppressive Zionists who did their best during this time to preserve this imposed, oppressive and criminal regime. The Islamic Ummah showed that it has not forgotten about Palestine. This is a very important issue.
It is in such conditions that the enemy is focusing all its efforts on making the Islamic Ummah forget about Palestine. How do they want to do this? They want to do this by creating discord, waging domestic wars, promoting deviant extremism in the name of Islam, religion and Islamic sharia. They want a group of people to say takfiri things against Muslims. The existence of these takfiri orientations which have emerged in the world of Islam is good news for arrogance and the enemies of the world of Islam. It is these takfiri orientations that attract the attention of Muslims towards insignificant issues instead of letting them pay attention to the truth about the existence of the malevolent Zionist regime...What "the Jews" were to a megalomaniacal Hitler, the "Zionist regime" is to the Grandiose Ayatollah--an irredeemably evil scapegoat employed to unite the people and gin them up for the "struggle" (in German: "Kampf"; in Islamic doctrine: "jihad") ahead.
the issue has been the inability of my message to penetrate the Republican base so that they feel persuaded that I’m not the caricature that you see on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh, but I’m somebody who is interested in solving problems and is pretty practical, and that, actually, a lot of the things that we’ve put in place worked better than people might think.Actually, Mr. President, your message (about the need for an e'er bigger government to "solve" the problems--hello, Obamacare) has come through loud and clear. The "Republican base" has heard it--and rejects it.
Part of the U.S. self-inflicted delusional mythology on Iran stems from the incessant reiteration of the phrase “Iran's nuclear weapons program” in the western media. This nonstop promulgation of propaganda predisposes the western mind to believe the Zionist regime’s calumnies of an “Iranian nuclear threat,” when in fact there is none. Even those western pragmatists who concede the validity of Washington’s own intelligence assessments, which concluded that Iran does NOT have a nuclear weapons program, nevertheless trumpet noisily about the dangers of Iran developing nuclear “breakout capability.” This is while Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has unequivocally stated that Islam forbids the “production, stockpiling and use” of nuclear weapons, starkly contrasting the U.S. track record of demonic aggression in pursuit of global hegemony, having caused the deaths of over 10 million of Planet Earth's citizens since 1945.Well, if the Ayatollah says Islam expressly forbids it, it must be true. ;)
CNN – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif insisted Wednesday that the Obama administration mischaracterizes concessions by his side in the six-month nuclear deal with Iran, telling CNN in an exclusive interview that “we did not agree to dismantle anything.”
Zarif told CNN Chief National Security Correspondent Jim Sciutto that terminology used by the White House to describe the agreement differed from the text agreed to by Iran and the other countries in the talks — the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany...Shouldn't the, er, confusion have been hammered out before the sanctions were lifted?
Israeli security forces have shut down a massive al-Qaeda plot coordinated by terrorist mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri that involved attacking the Jerusalem Convention Center and the American embassy in the diplomatic center of Tel Aviv.
This is believed to be the first time that al-Qaeda chief al-Zawahiri has gotten personally involved in engineering strikes within Israel.
The foiled plot is a sobering reminder that al-Qaeda has been experiencing a comeback in the Obama era.
In 2011, the University of California at Los Angeles decimated its English major. Such a development may seem insignificant, compared with, say, the federal takeover of health care. It is not. What happened at UCLA is part of a momentous shift in our culture that bears on our relationship to the past—and to civilization itself.
Until 2011, students majoring in English at UCLA had to take one course in Chaucer, two in Shakespeare, and one in Milton—the cornerstones of English literature. Following a revolt of the junior faculty, however, during which it was announced that Shakespeare was part of the “Empire,” UCLA junked these individual author requirements and replaced them with a mandate that all English majors take a total of three courses in the following four areas: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability, and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Postcolonial Studies; genre studies, interdisciplinary studies, and critical theory; or creative writing. In other words, the UCLA faculty was now officially indifferent as to whether an English major had ever read a word of Chaucer, Milton, or Shakespeare, but was determined to expose students, according to the course catalog, to “alternative rubrics of gender, sexuality, race, and class.”...ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz. Oh, sorry. Anytime I hear the word "rubric," my eyes immediately glaze over. (Same thing happens when I hear "nexus," "praxis," "imperial," "transnational" and "postcolonial," among other buzz words beloved in/by academe.)
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.