Sunday, December 31, 2017
There Are None So Blind as Hard Leftists Who Cannot See the Reality of Zion-Hate (the Most Pernicious Jew-Hate of Our Time)
Case in point: Neve Gordon, a far-left Israeli academic who despises Israel for what it is (free, Western, capitalistic, particularistic, successful) and who, like many another useful idiot, claims that what he manifests is a "passion for justice" (in the words of Judith Butler, another of academe's shrill Zion-loathers).
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Trans Madness in Sweden Sees Jesus Deemed Genderless By Local Church
File this one in the "Stuff You Can't Make Up" department.
They Don't Call 'Em "Useful Idiots" For Nothing
The 'em in question: Linda Sarsour's Jewish enablers.
Alan Dershowitz Makes Mincemeat of Cornel West In BDS Debate
West did his best to prevail with the Big Lie equating Israel with apartheid-era South Africa, but the audience (in Dallas, Texas) wasn't buying it.
Update: Israel okays $72 million anti-BDS project
Update: Israel okays $72 million anti-BDS project
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Bollocks Du Jour: Relaxing Citizenship Rules Is Good for Canada/Canadians
Thanks to the Trudeaupian/Trudopian Liberals it's easier than ever to become a Canadian, and newcomers by the drove appear to be taking advantage of the new laxness. Here, in a nutshell, is the lame rationale for dumbing down citizenship requirements (my bolds):
Andrew Griffith, a former senior immigration official, author and fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, said it's too early to tell if the jump in numbers represents a blip or part of a longer-term trend. But he believes an increased rate of citizenship fosters social cohesion and eases community tensions as immigrants have a deeper connection to the country and to Canadian society.There's no real proof of that, of course (and, hewing to the doctrine of multiculturalism, immigrants are told they can keep to their own communities and are not required to integrate to the larger society--which is hardly a recipe for "social cohesion"). There is, however, much to suggest that loosening the regulations is a great way to foster a larger pool of voters who feel a deep connection to the Liberals.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Israel, North Korea Called Fake Countries By French Kiddie Magazine
After complaints by a number of Jewish groups in France, the magazine was withdrawn and pulped. (Not that that's likely to do much of anything to get rid of France's Israel Derangement Syndrome).
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Douglas Murray on the Myth of "Keep Calm and Carry On"
The façade has fallen, revealing a populace terrorized by terrorism.
And the Winner of the 2017 Honest Reporting Dishonest Reporter of the Year Is...
Shockingly, it's not the CBC. It's UK rag/fish 'n' chips wrapping paper The Independent.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Hasta La Vista, Jew-Haters!
Israel joins US in announcing withdrawal from UNESCO, much to the chagrin, no doubt, of the secular, "very left-wing" French Jew who now serves as its chief.
Update: To be blunt, the UN treats Israel "with open contempt."
Update: To be blunt, the UN treats Israel "with open contempt."
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Justin Trudeau's Year In Socks
It speaks volumes--and not in a good way--about a nation's leader when the most compelling thing about him is his outré taste in hosiery.

Thursday, December 21, 2017
Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Rules That a Minister's Call to Buy From Christians Only Is Not Discriminatory
Just kidding, of course. Had the above actually occurred, and had someone thought to complain about it to our local virtue enforcers, said clergyman would now be paying a hefty price for his discriminatory call. But since the cleric doing the calling was an imam, and since those listening to his pronouncements were Muslim, it's A-OK with the OHRT.
The UN's Israel Derangement Syndrome--In Song
In honour of the UN's latest episode of anti-Israel hysteria (the world body has long had a massive case of IDS), I have tweaked the appropriate number:
They're crazy--it's part of a syndrome.
They're crazy,
Crazed and delusional, too
You knew they'd all have a massive conniption.
Pay lip service to a "two-state solution" that's through.
Why do they succumb to fury?
Submitting to those keen to call it Al Quds.
Crazy for spitting on fact, truth and freedom.
They're crazy for lying and crazed for denying
And they're crazy for trashing the Jews.
They're crazy--it's part of a syndrome.
They're crazy,
Crazed and delusional, too
You knew they'd all have a massive conniption.
Pay lip service to a "two-state solution" that's through.
Why do they succumb to fury?
Submitting to those keen to call it Al Quds.
Crazy for spitting on fact, truth and freedom.
They're crazy for lying and crazed for denying
And they're crazy for trashing the Jews.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
One Moment He Was a Friendly, Non-Threatening Fish Fryer. The Next, He Was Plotting Acts of Jihad-Inspired Terror
Funny how quickly that sort of thing can happen, no?
Bupkes. Diddly. A Big Fat Zero
In other words, the number of Canadians you'll find on a list of international jihadis (thanks to our Trudeaupian government's non-compliance).
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
'An 8 On the Frighten Scale'
Apparently there's a Mo's (short for Moses's) Scale of Frightening, and a "scary" letter sent to a number of synagogues in Montreal and Toronto is said to register near the top.
Me? I don't get frightened by such things (which are created precisely to get the sort of rise out of people that has been reported--so mission accomplished, unidentified Jew-hater!). On the Mo's scale, the sight of, say, seething Zion-loathers hoisting Hezbo flags and spewing hate with complete impunity on the grounds of the Ontario legislature, part of the Grandiose Ayatollah's annual eliminationistpalooza, is a lot more frightening. (I'd give it a 9.)
Me? I don't get frightened by such things (which are created precisely to get the sort of rise out of people that has been reported--so mission accomplished, unidentified Jew-hater!). On the Mo's scale, the sight of, say, seething Zion-loathers hoisting Hezbo flags and spewing hate with complete impunity on the grounds of the Ontario legislature, part of the Grandiose Ayatollah's annual eliminationistpalooza, is a lot more frightening. (I'd give it a 9.)

Ooo, scary!
Friday, December 15, 2017
"Limitations to Speech May Be Based On the Harm Principle Or the Offence Principle"
Well, yes, they may indeed be based on those principles--especially in places where sharia law prevails. But using such an argument to silence Pamela Geller isn't likely to fly, even here in Justin's Trudeaupia.
That said, Faisal Kutty gives it that old school try, smearing Geller as "the world's top Islamophobe." Among her "crimes": she says "Hitler was inspired by Islam" (what an absurd idea!) and that Islamic prayers include curses aimed at Christians and Jews (what egregious tommyrot!).
No wonder Kutty wants to keep her out of the country.
Update: Invaluable anti-jihad/anti-sharia blogger Pointe de Bascule unpacks law prof Kutty's "modern" interpretation of Islamic law here.
Update: My letter to the Toronto Star:
That said, Faisal Kutty gives it that old school try, smearing Geller as "the world's top Islamophobe." Among her "crimes": she says "Hitler was inspired by Islam" (what an absurd idea!) and that Islamic prayers include curses aimed at Christians and Jews (what egregious tommyrot!).
No wonder Kutty wants to keep her out of the country.
Update: My letter to the Toronto Star:
I believe it was the great French writer Voltaire who first said, "Limitations to speech may be based on the harm principle or the offence principle."
Oh, wait. It was law professor and vocal proponent of Islamic law Faisal Kutty who originated that deathless line.
The quotation usually attributed to Voltaire is, "I wholly disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Which pretty much explains why there is plenty of freedom in the Western world and not much to speak of in places where the "harm" or the "offence" principles hold sway.
Douglas Murray Skewers the "Diversity" Lie In a Most Amusing Way
Murray exposes the "diversity" palaver for what it is--a threadbare concept that's being pushed by our elites for reasons of virtue signaling and civilizational self-loathing. As Murray explains, the elites' "reasoning," such as it is, goes something like this:
It doesn't matter if we're financially poorer. It doesn't matter, because we're so much more culturally rich. Now, I should say that there is something in this. What society -- Europeans certainly wouldn't do this. What society doesn't want to know as much of interest and culture as the world has to offer? Who doesn't want to know as much about the world, and about the ideas of the world as possible? But, of course, the first person from, for instance, India to bring Indian cuisine into the U.K., does an interesting service. Vins up the local cuisine. It's not the case that the next 100 Indians who come, for instance, bring a hundred times more interesting cuisine. It's not the case that the first Sudanese poet who enters the U.K. massively brings interest to your country and that the next thousand people from Sudan continue to just bring ever richer versions of the poetry of Sudan. And, by the way, please don't ask me to name my favorite Sudanese poet. But, this is just a part of that lie. They all say – You also notice, by the way, that this is always a one way street. Not once in my adult life have I heard anybody say that the thing that Eritrea needs an injection of Welshman. That they just could do with some Welsh cooking or singing. Nobody says this. Nobody says, as Mark Steyn and I were saying in a conversation recently, nobody says the thing that the Somalis really need is a bit more Bach. I actually think it would be nice for them if they had a bit more Bach. But nobody thinks that's an appropriate way to say it. But Europeans are told there's something hollow at our heart. As if we in Europe, the culture of Dante and Gerter and Bach, has some kind of diminishment; something hollow at its center that needs filling by the world.Personally, I'd take Welsh singing over Welsh cooking any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Is Major League B-Ball About to Run Afoul of Ontario's Kangaroo Court?
You can bet you sweet Wahoo it is.
Fatwa: The Musical
In case you missed it on the tube, here it is (with Lin-Manuel Miranda as Salman Rushdie and F. Murray Abraham as the Ayatollah Khomeini):
Update: The Ayatollah Khomeini sings a Rodgers & Hammerstein favorite:
Update: One more, with feeling:Fry ev'ry Zionist.Nuke ev'ry Jew.Strangle ev'ry Sunni.Till our dreams come true.Fry ev'ry Zionist.Enforce sharia law.Celebrate Al Quds Day.Issue a fatwa.An edits that needsTo be heeded and heard.Ev'ry day of your lifeEven though it's absurd.Fry ev'ry Zionist.Nuke ev'ry Jew.Bamboozle ev'ry kafir.Till our dreams come true.
Hijabs on women and nooses on homos.Torture to punish and terrify our foes.A shiny reactor and A-bombs to fling:These are a few of my favorite things...
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
It's Lights Out In/For Sweden
The elminitionist "protest" in Sweden looks much like the one in, say, Vancouver (same cast of sketchy characters; different Dar al Harb locale). But as Mark Steyn explains, Sweden is going down the tubes at a much faster pace than many places in Europe. As it does, of course, it becomes almost impossible for Jews to continue living there. It also provides a preview of coming attractions for our "diversity"-mad Trudeaupia, a snapshot of where remorseless immigration/Islamization can lead you.
Update: This documentary lays it all out in all its depressing detail:
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Jewish Fashion Victims
Betcha didn't know there are ugly Hanukkah sweaters, too. Just in time for the Festival of Lights 2017, here's a sampling:
















Is "Social Justice" Good For the Jews?
Not so much, really:
As you'll recall, that didn't turn out too well for the Jews either.
If those who seek to engage in Jewish life believe that the universal good always outweighs the needs of the Jewish collective, we will not have a Jewish collective a generation from now, and the Jewish people and America will both be impoverished by that loss.It's eerily reminiscent of those Jews who, back in the day, invested all their hopes in Communism.
As you'll recall, that didn't turn out too well for the Jews either.
In Other Words, On the Twelfth of Never
Bret Stephens contends that "peace and a Palestinian state" will spring into being
when Palestinians aspire to create a Middle Eastern Costa Rica — pacifist, progressive, neighborly and democratic — rather than another Yemen: by turns autocratic, anarchic, fanatical and tragic.
Eliminationist Stand Up
At an anti-Israel seethe-a-palooza in Vancouver (fast becoming the Malmo of Canada?), a hilarious speaker told the assembled that the reason he loves the Palestinian flag so much is because of what it represents: inclusiveness.
This at an event where an Israeli flag was stolen and burnt, and where eliminationist chants--"One, two, three, four, Israel, no more! One, two, three, four, occupation, no more!,” along with the ever-popular “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!"--rang out.
One stolen flag was stashed under a stroller (see photo below, sent to me by a counter-protester)--because Zion-loathers always like to, ahem, include the kids in these things, the better to imbue them with hatred as early as possible.
This at an event where an Israeli flag was stolen and burnt, and where eliminationist chants--"One, two, three, four, Israel, no more! One, two, three, four, occupation, no more!,” along with the ever-popular “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!"--rang out.
One stolen flag was stashed under a stroller (see photo below, sent to me by a counter-protester)--because Zion-loathers always like to, ahem, include the kids in these things, the better to imbue them with hatred as early as possible.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Cher M. Macron: Bite Moi
The French president tells Israel's president that he's against acknowledging Jerusalem as Israel's capital and that the onus is now on Israel to make a gesture that will entice the Palestinians to make "peace."
Regarding that "two state solution" that the EU is so keen on: there's no way it'll come to pass in Israel (because the Israel-Palestine dynamic is really an either-or sort of thing), but there's a change that, one day, it'll solve the fraught infidel-Islamist problem in Europe.
Re Trump's Jerusalem Acknowledgement, Douglas Murray Makes an Excellent Point
It is this:
Those who cannot accept that Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel tend to be exactly the same as those who cannot accept the State of Israel.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Ontario Human Rights Commission's Latest Survey Amounts To a Make-Work Project For Itself
Don't you just love it when a "human rights" racket conducts a survey that shows there's a need for...much more intervention by that selfsame "human rights" racket?
Call me cynical, but that's exactly what seems to have happened here.
Call me cynical, but that's exactly what seems to have happened here.
"First, He Acknowledged the Rally Was Being Held on Anishnaabe Land"
There is so much that is unintentionally hilarious is this CBC account of a "Hand Off Jerusalem" protest in Windsor, Ontario--the Ceeb's absurdly lopsided anti-Israel/pro-eliminationist bias, for starters. But the above statement, an example of the "intersectionality" malarkey that animates the left-as-it-gets Ceeb's virtue-signallers, made me snort and chortle out loud.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
"Teen" Asylum Seeker, On Trial in Germany For Rape and Murder, Is Actually 33
This is perhaps the most appalling example of infidels being played for fools I have ever come across.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Dumb 'Toon
It's this one, in today's Toronto Sun:

I sent the following in response:

I sent the following in response:
So editorial cartoonist Andy Donato thinks that "making Jerusalem the capital of Israel" was a "stupid" thing for Donald Gump, I mean Trump, to do?Here's a newsflash for Donato. Donald Trump did not "make" Jerusalem Israel's capital. In fact, Jerusalem has been around as a the Jews' capital city for an estimated 3,000 years or so. It is where two holy temples were built and later destroyed. It was, is and will always be Jewry's eternal capital, even as it retains significance for Christians and Muslims too.And the idea that Trump could "make" it the capital (when what he really did was to recognize the glaringly obvious)--now, that's stupid!
Thursday, December 7, 2017
What Israel Is Up Against
It is up against this sort of madness: people who want you to switch off your brain and not ask why this pathetic-looking woman (who's apparently waiting to be fed by the UN) is living in a refugee camp in Gaza City--Gaza City!--a place that has been wholly controlled by the Palestinians for many years.
Why the Over-the-Top Outrage Over Trump's Jerusalem Statement? It's the Jew-Hate, Stupid
It has been delightful to witness the mass freak-out occasioned by Trump's willingness to state the obvious--that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel. In doing so, writes David French on the NRO site, he has struck "a blow against international anti-Semitism":
In other words, it'll be staying put now and forever.
Update: So this (call it another Al Quds day) is happening (hat tip--MW):
From the birth of the modern nation-state of Israel, an unholy mixture of anti-Semites and eliminationists have both sought to drive the Jewish people into the sea and — when military measures failed — isolate the Jewish nation diplomatically, militarily, and culturally. Working through the U.N. and enabled by Soviet-bloc (and later) European allies, these anti-Semites and eliminationists have waged unrelenting “lawfare” against Israel. (Lawfare is the abuse of international law and legal processes to accomplish military objectives that can’t be achieved on the battlefield.)A cowardly Canada goes along too, with our mealy-mouthed prime minister insisting that the Canadian embassy will remain in Tel Aviv until that phantasmic two-state solution comes to pass.
The scam works like this: The U.N. and other international bodies establish rules that apply only to Israel, or they hold Israel to higher standards than any other nation on earth; then, when Israel (or its primary ally, America) object to those unjust rules and double standards, the Arab world threatens unrest, riots, or, at worst, renewed jihad. A cowardly European community goes along, perpetuating injustice in the name of “stability.”
In other words, it'll be staying put now and forever.
Update: So this (call it another Al Quds day) is happening (hat tip--MW):
Jerusalem must remain the capital of Palestine !
! القدس يجب أن تبقى عاصمة فلسطين
Join us on Saturday at 2 pm in Victoria Park (near Williams) as we stand in solidarity with Palestine to protest against the U.S. president's unilateral and illegal recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the decision to relocate the US embassy.Update: I have the perfect theme song for the protest. Sing it, Mr. C.:
We stand with the people of Palestine and people everywhere rallying to protest the POTUS45's announcement, a slap in the face to indigenous Palestinians' rights to their capital.
We call for solidarity with the Palestinian people, and demand that the Canadian Government reject and openly condemn this move.
Please join, share, repost and invite to this Facebook event: events/910265845803457/
This event takes place on traditional lands of Anishnaabek, Haudenosaunee, Huron-Wendat, Attawandaron-Neutral and Lenape peoples, near the shores of the Deshkan Ziibii (Antler River).
People for Peace, London Ontario
Update: Hamas's Ismail "Stinky" Haniyeh is calling for--what else?--an intifada.Palestine,Your whole M.O. is killin' Jews.Oh, Palestine,Your claim is through.
Update: The Jerusalem Announcement Won't Really Hurt America's Arab Alliances.
Update: The UN, of course, is clutching its pearls and inhaling some smelling salts, a prelude to the utter hysteria it will succumb to tomorrow.
Update: Alan Dershowitz says Trump's Jerusalem announcement is the right (i.e. the correct) thing to do.
Update: The UN, of course, is clutching its pearls and inhaling some smelling salts, a prelude to the utter hysteria it will succumb to tomorrow.
Update: Alan Dershowitz says Trump's Jerusalem announcement is the right (i.e. the correct) thing to do.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Arabs/Muslims Throw a Hissy Fit in the Wake of Trump's Plan to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
Some notable--but entirely predictable--reactions:
Update: Also throwing a hissy fit--the CBC's resident Zion-despiser (one of 'em, anyway) does his usual thrash 'n' trash of Israel, claiming, among other bollocks, that
- the Palestinians, who as per their "from the river to the sea..." chant were hoping to replace Jerusalem with Al Quds, are calling for "three days of rage" in protest;
- Saudi Arabia's king says that moving the US. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is “a flagrant provocation of Muslims, all over the world”;
Turkey's Islamist strongman, Artie Erdogan, is drawing a red line (whatever that means) over the embassy move;- the Supreme Leader of Iran, that eloquent devil, says, "That they claim they want to announce Quds as the capital of occupied Palestine is because of their incompetence and failure."
Update: Also throwing a hissy fit--the CBC's resident Zion-despiser (one of 'em, anyway) does his usual thrash 'n' trash of Israel, claiming, among other bollocks, that
- the Palestinians were forced to resort to violence because they were "powerless";
- the Arabs' birthrate exceeds that of Jewish Israelis, and Israel is therefore on track to become another apartheid era South Africa (not so);
- should the status quo persist, in the words of John Kerry (that imbecile), Israel will be either Jewish or democratic, but not both.
"Let's stop pretending Israel is heading toward a two-state solution," reads the headline of Macdonald's opinion piece.
Sure thing, Neil. As long as we can also stop pretending that your aspersions further the discussion in any way, shape or form.
Update: Guess what happened when Honest Reporting Canada complained to the Ceeb about last month's Macdonald hit piece in which he called Israel and apartheid state? The Ceeb's ombudsthingy sided with Macdonald and their employer.
Quelle shockeroo, eh?
Update: Guess what happened when Honest Reporting Canada complained to the Ceeb about last month's Macdonald hit piece in which he called Israel and apartheid state? The Ceeb's ombudsthingy sided with Macdonald and their employer.
Quelle shockeroo, eh?
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Back In the Day, Dustin Hoffman Was a Huge A--hole When It Came to Women. At the Time, Though, It Was Seen as Charmingly Scampish
Want proof? This is from a profile of Hoffman that appeared in People in January,1983, shortly after the release of Tootsie:

Hoffman calls himself “a character actor,” but the term doesn’t allow for his impish charm or sexual magnetism. At 45, he still has the loopy grin and boyish appeal of his starring debut in The Graduate in 1967. He was 30 at the time, and had already won four awards for his off-Broadway work. On Manhattan streets, women now pursue Hoffman to pounce as well as praise, and Dustin is frankly delighted. “I’m a flirt,” he says. “I also have a lot of chauvinism, a lot of womanizing in my past. It’s hard for me to find a woman unattractive, unless she’s angry or down on herself.”
Indeed, for Hoffman, who grew up skinny, with acne, a big nose and fears of not being smart, social or athletic enough (“I was never looked at”), acting opened up a whole world of women. “I felt attractive for the first time,” he recalls. “Before that I was never able to be aggressive with a woman.”
His 1980 marriage to Lisa Gottsegen, now 28, limited the extent of his activities, but not the fun of playing the game. With women, Hoffman is an inveterate tease. He’ll tell a total stranger that he imagines she looks like “Goya’s Naked Maja without her clothes,” or another that the secret of a good marriage is “leaving the bathroom door open.” On the phone with Blanche Salter, Lisa’s 75-year-old grandmother, he asks: “Do you still have the fourth best body in your jogging class?” Later, addressing a luncheon for New York Women in Film, he scans the room and deadpans, “This is a perfect place to get laid.”Like I said--he was kind of an asshole. But back in those days, such behavior wasn't viewed through the same lens, the one that came into use mere weeks ago with the disclosure of Harvey Weinstein's swinish behavior. And it's through the same lens that chat show host John Oliver is viewing Hoffman's long-ago assholery--and, acting like a latter-day Savonarola, excoriating it to the cheers of the outraged throng:
[Oliver] was moderating a panel discussion after an anniversary screening of Dustin Hoffman’s 1997 comedy Wag the Dog in New York City last week—but the discussion quickly turned to the allegations of Hoffman’s sexual misconduct.
Hoffman is one of an increasing number of Hollywood stars who has been accused of sexual harassment following the Harvey Weinstein exposé. In an essay published by The Hollywood Reporter, writer Anna Graham Hunter alleges that Hoffman groped her and made inappropriate sexual comments when she was a 17-year-old intern on the set of Death of a Salesman in 1985.
The video of the panel discussion, published by The Washington Post, begins with Hoffman explaining that he was instructed not to “get into a dispute” and “lengthen the argument” following Graham Hunter’s story. Instead he says he was advised to simply apologize. Hoffman responded to Graham Hunter’s essay saying, “I have the utmost respect for women and feel terrible that anything I might have done could have put her in an uncomfortable situation. I am sorry. It is not reflective of who I am.” At the panel, Hoffman tried to reiterate this statement, particularly the portion where he says anything I might have done, which isn’t really an admission of guilt. He also highlighted the portion of the statement that says It is not reflective of who I am as a defence against the allegations—but Oliver was not having it.
“It’s that kind of response to this stuff that pisses me off because it is reflective of who you were if it happened—and you’ve given no evidence to show that it didn’t happen—then there was a period in time for a while when you were creeping around women,” says Oliver. “So it feels like a cop-out to say, ‘Oh this isn’t me.'”
Later in the video Hoffman starts to describe the vibe on the Salesman set in a way that is eerily similar to the idea of “locker room talk.”
“Everyone was saying it to each other, it’s a family,” says Hoffman, explaining that the cast and crew would come to work and make sexual jokes. “But that’s 40 years ago”
“I’ve got to say, I don’t love that response either,” says Oliver. And get ready, because this is where it really gets good. Hoffman, visibly frustrated, fires back saying, “What response do you want?”
That’s when Oliver explains that while it’s not really for him to dictate how people should respond to these allegations, Hoffman’s response is dismissive and “doesn’t feel self-reflective in a way that it seems like the incident demands.”
And instead of taking that as a cue to pause and reflect, Hoffman then goes on to say that “there is a point in [Graham Hunter] not bringing this up for 40 years.” Cue audible groans from both Oliver and the audience. (It is well-documented that victims of sexual harassment and assault can take years to come forward, and some never do at all.)
Hoffman went on to explain from his perspective what happened on that night, arguing that at the time, it was “nothing” but now it is being reframed to make it seem like he is a predator. He also notes that he does not recall meeting Graham Hunter.
“I don’t even hear the same thing in the story you just told as I think you do,” says Oliver, outlining how Hoffman’s account sounded more like a woman who was upset about how Hoffman touched her and then later apologized for being upset.
“I guess the thing that you said that is interesting to me is: the things that we do between takes,” says Oliver, as multiple audience members can be heard saying “Yes!” in the background. “I think it is the things that we do between takes that is a cultural shift that needs to happen. What can seem completely fine or normal to a certain group of people can have victims on the other end of it.”
The audience broke out into applause at Oliver’s statement...That is not to excuse Hoffman's rudeness/vulgarity/bad behavior (although I don't think it's as big a deal as it's being made out to be). It is to merely point out that, in the context of those times, such antics were unpacked in an entirely different way. And while those in attendance may have cheered on Oliver's hysterical virtue signaling and over-the-top holier-than-thou-iness, others, including me, see it as being another kind of bullying and abuse.

Zion-Hate on Campus: The Year's Top Ten Worst American Universities
FrontPage Magazine has a rundown of the current top ten offenders, beginning with Brandeis University.
Seeing Brandeis on the list is particularly upsetting because it was originally established by and for Jews. I defy you to read the following Brandeis blub and not feel sick to your stomach:
The rest of the august institutions neck deep in the eliminationist doo-doo are, in alphabetical order:
Brooklyn College
DePaul University
San Francisco State University
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Irvine
University of Chicago
University of Houston
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Seeing Brandeis on the list is particularly upsetting because it was originally established by and for Jews. I defy you to read the following Brandeis blub and not feel sick to your stomach:
Brandeis University was named for the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, Louis D. Brandeis, and is one of only a few prominent American universities to be founded primarily by Jews. In spite of these strong ties to the American Jewish community, Brandeis has stood apart in recent years for its hostility to Israel and its strong support of Israel’s terrorist enemies. In the past year, swastikas have appeared in multiple locations on campus and the campus SJP chapter has held an event supporting Hamas’s policy of refusing to normalize relations with Israel or its allies. Brandeis rescinded an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a critic of radical Islam and advocate of Muslim women’s rights, while granting one to notoriously anti-Semitic playwright Tony Kushner. Brandeis also hosted a secret listserve where prominent professors exchanged emails attacking Israel—even comparing the Jewish state to Nazi Germany— and supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that is supported and funded by Hamas. When a Brandeis student used her personal twitter account to call for an Intifada, she was vigorously defended by the campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Two additional Brandeis students sought to restore relations between the university and Al Quds University in Palestine, which is a recruiting ground for the terror group Hamas.
Brooklyn College
DePaul University
San Francisco State University
University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Irvine
University of Chicago
University of Houston
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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