Thursday, June 14, 2018

Outdoor Advice for Abominable Jews

A U.S. network of Jewish summer camps has told a pro-BDS/anti-Zionist Jewish outfit to take a hike.

Update: Here's a brief run down of the summer "fun" on offer at "Go Palestine," a Ramallah-based camp aimed at youths aged 14-17 who reside in "the Palestinian diaspora":
The camp’s own descriptions of each year’s activities from 2013-2017 report that the teens are shown films such as “Occupation 101” and “Jerusalem: The East Side Story,” which depict Israel as a racist, savage oppressor. A panel on “Youth Activism and Engagement in Palestine” featured representatives of “the Love Under Apartheid Campaign [and] the BDS movement.” Officials of a group called “Right to Education” explained to the campers that all Israeli universities should be boycotted, since they are part of “the structure of systemic oppression.”
Hello Muddah, hello Faddah, here I am at Camp Intifada... 

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