For the first time in U.S. history, an American administration not only buys Jihadist excuses for terrorism, but facilitates them.I happen to believe it also matters because it shows the moral bankruptcy of an administration willing to lie like crazy to retain power.
Obama may not have come right out and said, "If you like your Benghazi, you can keep your Benghazi," but that's what the lie amounts to.
Update: Re the lying liars doing what had to be done to get re-elected, Mark Steyn writes (the bolds are his):
...this wasn't a small lie. It was a bold, audacious lie on a date the American people are supposed to hold in sacred memory: 9/11. Nixon lied about a "third-rate burglary". But, as I told Hugh Hewitt earlier today, nobody died at Watergate.
There weren't four bodies left on the floor. And the Administration didn't attempt to pin the quadruple murder on some other fellow entirely.
But that's exactly what the Obama crowd did.
Was it worth it? Silly question. For these guys, it's always worth it.
"Greater love hath no man than this," quoth the President at Chris Stevens' coffin, "that a man lay down his life for his friends." Smaller love hath no man than Obama's - that he lay down his "friend" for a couple of points in Ohio.Questions: Do you think the mainstream media would have turned a blind eye to Benghazi had it been a Republican administration doing the lying? Can you imagine the uproar/outrage had that been the case? Would they have dropped it like a hot potato, or would they, a la Woodward & Bernstein, have held onto it like a pit bull with a big, meaty bone?
I think we all know that there's a colossal double standard in place, and Barack Obama and his playmates have been its beneficiaries.
Update: Jay Carney could have gone done in history as a journalist who pursued the truth. Instead he'll be remembered as the Obama admin's prevaricator par excellence (though not non pareil, since that "honour" goes to Obama).
Update: Dead ringers--Jay Carney of where's-his-conscience? fame and Waldo of Where's Waldo fame:

Jay makes Baghdad Bob look like a Piker.
Ha! And very true.
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