Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ayatollah Aficionado Zafar Bangash 'Splains It Alll To You

The Ayatollah's domain experiencing a spot of bother these days? Who better than the noted Canucki Khomeinist to unpack the current challenges? (Credulous and wised-up kafirs alike take note: he'll be speaking at Hamilton's McMaster U.):
Thur Jan 26 2012

7:30 PM Like a zombie, America is shambling towards war with Iran. Zafar Bangash, an Islamic scholar, and a community leader in York region, is ready to lecture on the danger of war, the efforts at prevention, and also how to make the Middle East a nuclear-weapons-free zone. Can we keep Canada out of the drive to war? Location: McMaster Hospital, Ewart Angus Centre, Room HS1A6, Hamilton, The Ewart Angus Centre is located in the McMaster Hospital building, part of the McMaster University campus. Admission is free, donations are accepted. Region: Halton, Hamilton, Niagara Sponsor: Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, Students for Justice in the Middle East, McMaster Muslims for Peace and Justice, Students Resisting War and Occupation, Independent Jewish Voices (Hamilton) Contact Info: Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War  
To give you a taste of Bangash's brand of Khomeini-love, here's one of his speeches from last year snatched from the ShiaTV site.

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