Saturday, November 16, 2013

European Judenhass Then: Right Wing, Nationalistic. European Judenhass/Zionhass Today: Leftist, Islamist

That new poll reveals a truth that should be as plain as day by now:
The survey also reveals some interesting—and not entirely surprising—facts about the face of anti-Jewish bigotry in 21st Century Europe. Most of those who reported anti-Semitic harassment identified the culprit or culprits as having either “Muslim extremist views” (27 percent) or left-wing political views (22 percent); only 19 percent said it came from someone with right-wing beliefs. 
This tendency is even stronger for anti-Semitic hate speech, from Holocaust denial to claims that the Jews “exploit Holocaust victimhood” or have too much power. (The exceptions are Latvia and Hungary, where anti-Semitism is more likely to be of the traditional far-right variety.) Among Western European Jews who reported encountering such slurs in the past year, 57 percent had seen or heard them from left-wingers; 54 percent, from Muslim extremists; 37 percent, from right-wingers; 18 percent, from Christian extremists. Moreover, the most common anti-Jewish comment reported in the survey was that Israelis act “like Nazis” toward the Palestinians—rhetoric European institutions have repeatedly condemned as anti-Semitic.
Obviously, the condemnations are falling on deaf ears.

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