Since the walls of the edifice remain bare, here are few suggested exhibits:
1. Those keys, the ones they hope to employ once they "return" to homes hastily vacated in '48; the ones they have turned into objects of veneration.
2. Semtex vests--crude implements of jihadi terrorism, yes, but also a fashion statement and an example of Palestinian "ingenuity"/"industry". (If Israel is a "start up nation," "Palestine" is a blow up one.)

3. The "artwork" of Ahmad Al Abib, whose brightly coloured and poorly rendered agit-prop mural continues to make a statement at the York University student centre.
4. Farfour Mouse--what Disney's Mickey or Henson's Elmo might have been had they grown up in a place where pathological Jew-hate was in mama's milk (and imams' sermons).
5. The UNRWA room. What would "Palestine" be without the UN agency that's bound and determined to maintain 'em in a permanent state of misery and victimhood?
1 comment:
The Palestinian Museum of things that never happened to a people who never existed.
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