In Lamine Yansane's hometown of Boke in Guinea, his father is a revered imam who sometimes leads Friday prayers. But after Mr. Yansane married a Catholic woman and abandoned Islam for Christianity, his father disowned him, and Friday prayers have featured a call for his death, the Federal Court heard yesterday.
Mr. Yansane, who has been denied refugee status, is seeking a last-ditch reprieve on the grounds that he faces certain harm if he is deported from Canada. "If you return him to his country, he is going to die," Mr. Yansane's lawyer, Stewart Istvanffy, told the court. He called his client "a victim of radical Islam, who is threatened by the imam of his town, his own father."
Mr. Yansane, 37, arrived in Canada from Guinea in the fall of 2005. He told the Immigration and Refugee Board that he fled the West African nation after his father and uncle tracked him down in the country's capital of Conakry, confronted him about his church attendance and threatened him as a traitor to Islam. His wife and three children remain in Guinea.
The board member who heard his case called his testimony "devoid of credibility." She did not believe that a family of religious fanatics would have permitted his marriage to a Christian in the first place. (Mr. Yansane said he was allowed to marry on the condition he convert his wife to Islam, a project he abandoned.) And she found it far-fetched that his family would tolerate the couple's presence in Boke for the 10 years they lived there before moving to Conakry…
What’s “devoid of credibility” (and deeply disturbing) is that Canada continues to tap such boneheads to be its gatekeepers.
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