Such lovely people. Let's make peace with 'em, 'kay?
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Not Nominated for a Tony, Although They Look Like They Should've Been
The chorus from "Hairan: A Shia Tribal Musical" or from Harvey Fierstein's "Kinky Boots"? Nuh uh. It's the Grandiose Ayatollah's corps of revolutionary guards.
Quelle Shockeroo--the Liberals Low-Balled the Cost of Cancelling That Oakville Gas Plant
Seems their math was a bit off:
TORONTO -- The Ontario Power Authority says the cost of cancelling the Oakville gas plant was up to $310 million, many times the $40-million figure the Liberal government has been using.
Colin Andersen, CEO of the energy planning agency, says the OPA commissioned outside experts who estimated the cost of cancelling the Oakville plant at $241 million.
However, Andersen told a legislative committee the OPA itself now puts the cost of the Oakville project at $310 million, and explained the difference by saying many future costs are hard to estimate.
The Liberals have repeatedly said Oakville cost $40 million, which Andersen said is accurate to describe only the so-called "sunk costs" that cannot be recovered..."Sunk costs" is what I'd call the years of Liberal rule (because there's no way we're getting back the moolah they've squandered, and now we're sunk).
Zion-Loathing Union Boss Sid Ryan to Bloviate About His "Road to Palestine" at Beit Zatoun
This sounds ghastly:
Alternatively, he'd be perfect for Richard Falk's job--once the odious Dickie gets the old heave-ho, that is.
The Road to Palestine is a new series of personal talks programmed by and hosted at Beit Zatoun. Guest speakers are Canadians who have taken a public stand on Israel/Palestine. Speakers come from a variety backgrounds and careers. They share a recognition that a resolution to the question of peace and conflict in Israel / Palestine is essential to global justice, international law and to peace in the world.The evening is meant to be personal and autobiographical. The speaker is traces their journey and relationship to the situation of Israel/Palestine from earliest views and opinions. What are their present views? What is their unique contribution to the question? What are their thoughts on the future and what is needed to resolve the situation?
The Road to Palestine seeks to share a human and personal story in our midst that would otherwise not be told.
About the Speaker
Born in Dublin, Republic of Ireland, Sid Ryan is in his second term as the President of the Ontario Federation Labour (OFL), Canada’s largest provincial labour federation, where he represents 54 unions and over one million workers. Previously, Sid headed CUPE Ontario for 17 years and became one of the labour movement’s most recognized voices on public health care, education and public services.
Sid has earned an international reputation as a champion of equity, social justice and human rights – not just for his members, but for workers in every workplace and their families in every community.Yeah, he's a regular Mahatma Gandhi Luther King. Give that man a Nobel Peace Prize and an Order of Canada--pronto!
A friend and advocate to many, on the "question" of Palestine, Sid has shown the same resolve and leadership. He has demonstrated great courage over many years and hard fought battles. Probably the greatest was when he helped spearhead the landmark CUPE Resolution in May 2006 which endorsed the global campaign of boycott and divestment against Israel for its "apartheid-like policies". CUPE and Sid came under tremendous fire from many quarters in Canada but held firm on a principled position which has stood as an example for Palestinian solidarity...
Alternatively, he'd be perfect for Richard Falk's job--once the odious Dickie gets the old heave-ho, that is.

Hamid's Greed--In Song
Afghanistan's chief kleptocrat admits to receiving money from the CIA but says it didn't amount to all that much, really:
Every time it rains it rains
Shekels from kafirs.
Every shopping bag contains
Shekels from kafirs.
My fortune's overflowin' from this largesse.
They sure rewarded Karzai's
Ungodly mess.
Trade them for a packet of prevarications.
If you don't want the Taliban, give me donations!
So when they call it "jizya," quiz 'em,
"What else can you do?"
There'll be shekels from kafirs for me, not you.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Monday acknowledged that his office has been receiving money from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency over the past 10 years, dismissing the monthly cash payments as a "small amount."
Mr. Karzai addressed the issue after the New York Times reported on Sunday that the CIA has made tens of millions of dollars in secret payments, often cash packed in shopping bags, as it sought to maintain influence over Afghanistan's mercurial leader.
"Yes, the office of the national security has been receiving support from the United States for the past 10 years," Mr. Karzai told reporters at a news briefing in Helsinki, Finland, responding to a question about whether he has received CIA cash. "Monthly. Not a big amount. A small amount which has been used for various purposes."
The CIA declined to comment on the matter...Karzai, on the other hand, would not shut up about it, and at one point even broke into song:
Every time it rains it rains
Shekels from kafirs.
Every shopping bag contains
Shekels from kafirs.
My fortune's overflowin' from this largesse.
They sure rewarded Karzai's
Ungodly mess.
Trade them for a packet of prevarications.
If you don't want the Taliban, give me donations!
So when they call it "jizya," quiz 'em,
"What else can you do?"
There'll be shekels from kafirs for me, not you.
Update: Hamid (a gold digger of 2013) likes this one, too:
Monday, April 29, 2013
Mrs. Tsarnaev's Amazing Transformation
Looking at this old photo of the Tsarnaev family you'd never guess that the young woman with the heavy eyeliner and poufy backcomb is the now infamous, hijab-wearing Ma Tsarnaev. Oddly enough, she seems to have come to the U.S. looking a bit like a sad sack--and very secular--Cher, and went back to the old country looking like, well, someone who'd just arrived to America from the old country.
Holder Demagogues It Re the Mythical Anti-Muslim Backlash—in Verse!
Have you heard about Eric Holder?
He's one heck of a scourge and a scolder.
Hectored a big crowd of Jews
Re his grim "backlash" blues.
Meanwhile the jihad grows e'er bolder.
He's one heck of a scourge and a scolder.
Hectored a big crowd of Jews
Re his grim "backlash" blues.
Meanwhile the jihad grows e'er bolder.
Loathsome Zion-Loather Dickie Falk Gets Kudos From Loathsome, Zion-Loathing American University
Granted, it's one in Lebanon, but still...:
GENEVA, April 28, 2013 – A famous San Francisco tech finance pioneer is being called upon to cancel his sponsorship of a lecture tomorrow night that will honor a UN official who was denounced by world leaders last week for suggesting that the Boston bombings were somehow the fault of the U.S. and Israel.
In a letter sent today to Bill Hambrecht, the 77-year-old investment bankerwho took Apple Computer public, the Geneva-based UN Watch, a non-governmental human rights monitoring organization, urged him not to honor Richard Falk, the UN Human Rights Council's expert on Palestine, as a "Distinguished Peacemaker" at the American University of Beirut,only days after he was condemned by UN chief Ban Ki-moon, and by the US, UK and Canadian governments, for blaming the Boston terrorist attack on “the American global domination project” and “Tel Aviv.”
The letter was also sent to Professor Peter Dorman, President of the American University of Beirut, and to the U.S. ambassador in Lebanon."A Distinguished Peacemaker"? Well, yes. But only if you understand "peace" in the Islamic sense of the word (as the "peace" that will be in place once Israel and all infidel lands submit).

Bribing Karzai With Shadowy Dough
What a colossal waste of cash!:
The CIA delivered over the course of a decade tens of millions of dollars of U.S. cash to Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s offices via suitcases, backpacks and plastic bags, a media outlet reported.
The “ghost money” was intended to buy the CIA influence, Reuters reported, citing a New York Times investigation. Instead, the money furthered corruption and warlords and ultimately conflicted with America’s official strategy in Afghanistan, Reuters said.
“The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan was the United States,” one American official in the report said.
CIA and State Department officials didn’t comment.
“We called it ‘ghost money,’” said Khalil Roman, Mr. Karzai’s chief of staff between 2002 and 2005, Reuters said. “It came in secret and it left in secret.”
It’s not clear if Mr. Karzai personally received the money. Afghan officials said in the report that the money was funneled through the National Security Office.Going out on a limb here--if tens of millions dollars in cash finds its way into your offices, it is entirely outside the realm of possibility for you to not personally receive any of the moolah.
Profile in Useful Idiocy: Canadian "Human Rights" Official David Langtry
In a sane world, the term "racial profiling" would not exist since, a la Israeli security, everyone would know that certain individuals (hello, jihadis!) are more likely to want to wreak havoc than others . Alas, our world is severely deranged, and "racial profiling," that is, security measures that take into account who a person is instead of examining, say, the shoes of all and sundry, is considered racist and therefore unacceptable. That's certainly how David Langtry, acting director of Canada's federal "human rights" racket, sees it. In a op-ed piece in the Globe and Mail, Langtry 'splains why "racial profiling" doesn't work:
In the chaotic minutes after two bombs tore through the crowd near the finish line at the Boston Marathon, racial discrimination turned a terror victim into a terror suspect.
As a shocked world watched, media reported that a young Saudi man had been apprehended.
He had been watching the race and was badly hurt by the first bomb. CBS News said a bystander saw him running and tackled him. People thought he looked “suspicious.”
While doctors treated him in hospital, his apartment was searched and his roommate interrogated. His name was endlessly tweeted. Media dubbed him the “Saudi suspect.”
The next day, authorities cleared him. Wrong place, wrong time, said CNN.
Yes, it was wrong. Racial profiling is wrong. And it’s also bad policing.
Research supports this. There is no evidence that racial profiling helps identify terrorists. What can be proven, is that profiling creates distrust and resentment among members of ethnic or religious communities. It leads them to believe they are unfairly targeted by law enforcement...In fact, "profiling" works just fine, Dave. As for its engendering distrust and resentment, that can and does arise no matter what. Just look at the Tsarnaev brothers, who were never "profiled," and who grew to despise the U.S. even though it had been very good to them. Perhaps had American authorities been a little more adept at "profiling" Tamerlan, they would been able to stop him before he had a chance to unleash his distrust and resentment on infidels in Boston.
Witchcraft as Statecraft
An Iranian official says Israel is using sorcery against Iran. (If that were true, dude, they'd have made the Grandiose Ayatollah disappear by now.)
Speaking of sorcery, don't you think these two look like fraternal twins?

Speaking of sorcery, don't you think these two look like fraternal twins?

The "New" Antisemtism: It's Called Zionhass
Re the "new" Jew-hate, Dow Marmur writes in the Toronto Star:
Update: Elsewhere in The Star, Malmo Zionhass all but disappears.
Update: "Discover the gay scene in Malmo during Eurovision": given that burg's demographics, that's what's called cruisin' for a bruisin'.
Attacks on Jews and Judaism hiding behind ostensible commitment to science and the pursuit of human rights are particularly insidious. The current efforts in Europe to ban ritual slaughter and circumcision are ominous manifestations.
Though this “new” anti-Semitism is said to be fuelled by Muslim hatred of Israel, a ban on ritual slaughter and, particularly, circumcision, would harm Muslims no less than Jews. If, indeed, efforts seeking to inhibit Jewish life in today’s Europe are inspired by Islamist extremists, it’s their own co-religionists who’ll be among the victims.
Identifying and condemning contemporary hatred of Jews, whether it reflects old stereotypes or in its new versions, we must also note that, though it’s prevalent in most countries and today often linked to militancy against the State of Israel, responsible governments in the free world have learned the tragic lessons of its devastating effect through the ages and are now trying to nip incidents in the bud.
Allegedly?!? Never mind Malmo, have you been to Al Quds Day at Queen's Park lately, Dow?Muslims must realize that they are no less vulnerable than Jews. Therefore, for their own self-protection they should openly join all who seek to eradicate this evil instead of allegedly fuelling it in Malmö and elsewhere.
Update: Elsewhere in The Star, Malmo Zionhass all but disappears.
Update: "Discover the gay scene in Malmo during Eurovision": given that burg's demographics, that's what's called cruisin' for a bruisin'.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
You Know the World Has Flipped Its Lid When The Axis of Awful (Iran, China, Cuba and North Korea) Kvetches About Canada's Crappy Human Rights Record
Re all the kvetching, Jay Nordinger writes:
The U.N. Human Rights Council has seen fit to examine and pronounce on Canada’s human-rights record. Iran expressed its grave concern about Canada. So did China: “widespread racial discrimination.” So did Cuba: “racism and xenophobia.” So did North Korea — to wit,I have a hunch that every single one of those countries is looking forward to the day when Justin Trudeau (who, as a babe, was dandled on Commie dictator Castro's knee) will replace Zion-loving Stephen Harper as prime minister.
“We have serious concerns about continued violation of the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, torture and other ill-treatment, racism and xenophobia.”
(For a UN Watch report, go here.)
If the American Left, and the Euros, and others want us to take the U.N. seriously, they’ve got to cut this stuff out. Really.
Canada may be a little shaky on freedom of speech, as Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant can tell you. Canada is politically correct to a fault — emphasis on fault. But the country does not deserve to be lectured to, or even talked to, by monster regimes such as Iran’s, China’s, Cuba’s, and North Korea’s.
Ceeb Radio Highlights Our "Homie" Omie's Hogtown Provenance
Yesterday the Ceeb reported that Omar Khadr wants an American civil court to overturn the ruling of an American military court which had designated him a terrorist. The report on the Ceeb's website starts out like this:
Now, if they'd called him "Toronto-born, Al Qaeda-raised Omar Khadr," at least that would have been more balanced, and closer to the reality of who and what Khadr is.
Omar Khadr will appeal his plea-bargained guilty plea and war crimes convictions in a U.S. civilian federal court, his Canadian lawyer has told CBC News.But when I heard it at the news at top of the hour on Ceeb radio yesterday--and I must have heard it at least three or four times--it always referred to him as "Toronto-born Omar Khadr." And each time the newsreader called him that, I bristled, because it was such a blatant--and revolting--example of the Ceeb's pro-Omie bias. It wanted us to think that, having been born here, he is one of our own--a regular Hogtowner who reads the Toronto Star, rolls up the rim to win at Tim Horton's, and cheers on the Maple Leafs.
Now, if they'd called him "Toronto-born, Al Qaeda-raised Omar Khadr," at least that would have been more balanced, and closer to the reality of who and what Khadr is.
Latest Euphemism for "Jihadis"
It's "strugglers." So far only Salafists in Gaza are using it, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it being picked up by Western media, and maybe even by the White House (which still insists on calling what happened at Fort Hood--a jihadi shooting random infidels while screaming "Allahu Akbar!"--"workplace violence").
Saturday, April 27, 2013
How to Account for Landing Gear From a 9/11 Airplane Ending Up Beside "A Much-Debated Islamic Community Center"?
Some might attribute it to Allah working in mysterious ways. Others, however--"investigators" quoted in this USA Today report, for instance--see it as the purposeful hand of man because the coinkidink is too big, and too perfect.
ISNA Canada Presents the Poetic Stylings of Supremacist/Anti-Establishment Rapper Boonaa Mohammed
If, like me, you aren't about to attend this year's ISNA Canada convention, here's some of what we may miss--the spoken poetics of a dude who's really popular with the young'uns. This is from his work entitled "War on Error" (get it?):
In case you were wondering, "the bruises from sujood" (prostration during prayer) can look like this.
...Isn't it strange how the strangers are starting to feel strange?So sorry, Boonaa. Our bad.
I guess sometimes Guantanamo bay is just the price you gotta pay,
Allah does not place a burden on a soul more than it can handle
And the bruises from sujood will light your way just like a candle
And we follow the example of the best of examples
I don't stand for flags and or bow to your bourgeois
I pledge allegiance to La elhalla il allah
Say it now, Say it loud, be proud of your Muslim names
Uthman, Umar, Ali, Khadija, Aisha, Summayah
If only you knew the sacrifice these people made
So tell airport security, I'm sorry if we all look the same
But there's a reason why Muhammed is the world's most popular name
And you can call us funny names, and draw cartoons in his name...
In case you were wondering, "the bruises from sujood" (prostration during prayer) can look like this.
"Authorities" Say That a Bumch Of Young Canadian Lads are Off Fighting in Syria, and They Could Return "Radicalized"
How nice of "authorities" to let us know. What are we supposed to do about it, though--lock the barn door once the colts have bolted? (Oh, those jihadis. Can't live with 'em; can't throw 'em out.)
Iran Rattles Its Sabres (and Its A-Bombs?)
We'd be wise to not dismiss this as empty bravado:
Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says Iran will unveil indigenous ballistic and cruise missiles as well as other new military achievements by the next five months.
“New Iranian ballistic and cruise missiles will be unveiled in the first six months of the current [Iranian] year (before mid-September),” said Vahidi in a Saturday interview.
The Iranian defense minister noted that the new cruise missile has a longer range compared with the previous versions.
He noted that Iran will also unveil new bombs during the period...
If Obama's Syria Promises Mean Nothing, How Can We Trust Him on Iran?
Silly question. Obviously, we can't (and don't).
"When I Grow Up I Want to Be an Islamic Teacher"
The Ceeb's Matt Galloway visits Thorncliffe Park P.S., the largest, most multicultural public school in the world's most multicultural city, so we'll all feel all warm 'n' tingly and tikkun olam-y. Most of the kids at this school hail from what is euphemistically referred to as "South Asia," but since all are being educated in diversity tripe, all are bound to become acclimatized to Canada. We know this because at the end of the clip several of the moppets say what they want to be when they grow up. "I want to be a doctor," says one little girl. "I want to be an architect," says the boy from Mexico (you just know they threw him in so they'd look more "diverse"). Interesting, though, that the girl in the colourful hijab apparently sees but one career avenue open to her--teaching kids who won't be going to a multiculti public school ('cuz that's not where they teach Islam).
Friday, April 26, 2013
Useful Idiots Sit Down to a Delicious Interfaith Repast in Our Nation's Capital
It's an interfaith soiree for chicks featuring a well-known Muslim Brotherhood sister:
The Ottawa Muslim Women's Organization (OMWO) holds its 12th Annual Festival of Friendship Dinner Sunday evening. The master of ceremonies will be major local CBC personality Lucy van Oldenbarneveld, whose name – along with the official CBC logo – appears on event advertising. Proceeds are to benefit the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health, an arms-length fundraiser for the public Royal Ottawa Hospital. In an email pitching the dinner and attributed to former Liberal Member of Parliament Marlene Catterall, the presence of Her Excellency Sharon Johnston, wife of the Governor General of Canada, is a selling point.
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College in London, Ontario, an institutional affiliate of the University of Western Ontario. Mattson, a convert from Christianity to Islam, was president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The United States government designated ISNA an unindicted co-conspirator in the successful Holy Land Foundation terror-funding prosecution. ISNA is included in a key Muslim Brotherhood document as one of the "organizations of our friends." Other evidence abounds of ISNA's Brotherhood inspiration and connections...Pass the tasty samosas, Ingrid.
Saudi Arabia Deports Arab McDreamy for Being Too Damn Good Lookin'
Why deport him when you can put him in a burqa?
Canada, a Land that Has "Human Rights" Rackets Up the Ying Yang, Is Being Probed By a UN "Human Rights" Rapporteur
Ironically enough. (You can be sure it wouldn't be happening were the Liberals or NDP in power.)
The "Root Cause" of Those Who Seek "Root Causes"
Bruce Bawer is fed up with those who were praying that the Boston bombers weren't Muslim, and who continue to try to account for the Chechen bros' "strange" behavior:
Those 'splosives down their pants.
Those kooky imam rants
That make 'em take a chance--
It's jee-had.
And there is no defense for it.
When PC spin commences it
Drives out all common sense PDQ.
'Cause it's jee-had.
Just a jee-had.
And although some go, "It's strictly taboo!"
When they arouse a need precise,
A need to shtup in Paradise,
We'll bleed, indeed, that's what we will do.
It's a Medieval trope.
Can we escape it? Nope.
No hope that it's all over soon.
It’s necessary to fight jihad. But it’s equally necessary to fight this weed that has grown up among us – this decadent, despicable readiness to deny the reality of jihad, to relativize it, to make excuses for it, to blame it on us, on America.Are you listening Justin? Here's a song that 'splains it (dusted off from the parody vault):
Those 'splosives down their pants.
Those kooky imam rants
That make 'em take a chance--
It's jee-had.
And there is no defense for it.
When PC spin commences it
Drives out all common sense PDQ.
'Cause it's jee-had.
Just a jee-had.
And although some go, "It's strictly taboo!"
When they arouse a need precise,
A need to shtup in Paradise,
We'll bleed, indeed, that's what we will do.
It's a Medieval trope.
Can we escape it? Nope.
No hope that it's all over soon.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Hagel Downplays News About Syria's Use of Chemical Weapons
Chuck Hagel (I can't decide--is he smarter or dumber than Joe Biden?) says it's likely that Syria has deployed chemical weapons as per Israel's claim. Don't worry, though. The Syrians only used, like, a tiny little bit, so it's okay.
Knock It Off With the "Knockoff" Comments,"Joe
At the memorial service for the MIT cop killed by the Tsarnaevs, Veep Joe Biden referred to the two as "knockoff jihadis." Begging the question: what's a jihadi gotta do to prove he's the real deal and no mere imitation, Joe?
The Tsarnaevs were no "Gooccis," Mr. Veep. |
Boston Bombers' Islamist Mom Says She Regrets the Family's Move to the U.S.
Not nearly as much as the people of Boston regret it, I'd venture.
Jihadis In the Dock Balk at Our Kafir Law
Yesterday there was a report that one of the accused train terrorists told a Toronto judge that Canada's Criminal Code has no credibility with him because, unlike the Koran, it is not the revealed word of God. Today there's word that an alleged jihadi across the pond, one of three arrested before they got to go train for holy war in Pakistan (and the only one who's a revert), sees it like that too:
Dart, who had appeared in a BBC documentary that chronicled the efforts of his filmmaker stepbrother to understand why he had embraced an uncompromising form of Islam, refused to stand for sentencing Thursday at London’s Old Bailey Court.
“I believe ruling and judging is only for Allah,” Dart, 30, told the court. Dart – a former BBC security guard who also featured in a YouTube video in which he criticized the British royal family, the marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton and U.K. foreign policy – was jailed for six years.Holy crap!
Alleged Train Terrorist Jaser's Family Got Into Canda by Playing the "Joooos Ethnically Cleansed Us/Wacky Naqba" Card
This is from a report in the Toronto Sun. (I'm still looking for the link to show up online. In the meantime, here's a link to a similar story in Maclean's):
Mohamed Jaser [the alleged terrorist's dad], who was born in Jaffa City, in Palestine, on Feb. 1, 1947, stated in his refugee claim in Canada that his "family was forced to leave their homeland" and moved to the Gaza Strip when Israel was established in '48.
"Being non-Jewish residents of Palestine, we were not subject to the Law of Return (favouring Jewish settlement in Palestine) and had to leave during the time of Jewish migration into the area," Jaser wrote.
"The Israeli army seized our land," and the state "established a policy of 'religious cleansing,' which promoted and forced the transfer of non-Jewish citizens and residents from the state of Israel," wrote Jaser, who lived in Gaza until '66.So heartening to know that this sort of Zionhass passes the sniff test with our land's gatekeepers, the Canada Immigration and Refugee Board.
A Tweet From "Katie" Sums It All Up Re Statist Britain
"Katie" is 14 and is hoping that her 19-year-old boyfriend will knock her up so the state will give them all a house.
You Don't Know Jack, Bruce
Writing in the NYT (it's reprinted in today's NatPo), Canadian Bruce McCall contends that the family Trudeau are--wait for it--the Kennedys of Canada--and that should the Justin Trudeau mishpacha get to kick off their shoes in the prime minister's residence, it will be a reprise of--you knew it was coming--Camelot.
All I can say is if Justin Trudeau is Jack Kennedy then I'm the Queen of Sheba:
A law was made a distant moon ago here,
That Liberals they cannot see what's what.
And there's no legal limit to the snow here
In Cam-e-lot...
In short it causes dread
That Justin has such cred
And Bruce thinks he's Jack Kennedy
Who'll live in Camelot.
All I can say is if Justin Trudeau is Jack Kennedy then I'm the Queen of Sheba:
A law was made a distant moon ago here,
That Liberals they cannot see what's what.
And there's no legal limit to the snow here
In Cam-e-lot...
In short it causes dread
That Justin has such cred
And Bruce thinks he's Jack Kennedy
Who'll live in Camelot.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Train Terrorism Suspect Tells Montreal Justice of the Peace That He Answers to a Higher Authority
Canada's Criminal Code? He doesn't care about any steenking kafir criminal code:
A Montreal man accused of plotting a terrorist attack against a VIA Rail passenger train denounced the Canadian Criminal Code in a Toronto courtroom Wednesday during his second court appearance.
“This Criminal Code is not holy book,” Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, told the court as he stood in the prisoners’ box at Old City Hall, wearing the same blue and black jacket he was arrested in. He also had glasses and a dark beard.
Esseghaier — who appeared to have no family or friends in the courtroom — chose to comment on his continued detention even after Justice of the Peace Susan Hilton advised him to consult with duty counsel and cautioned him that everything he said would be on the record.
“Only the Creator is perfect,” Esseghaier continued, adding the Code could not be relied on.
Surely it does matter in the sense that the man's statement shows where his head is at--i.e. deep inside the Koran.“It doesn’t matter in this court,” Hilton told him, before ordering his detention pending his next appearance on May 23 by video...
Janet Napolitano Contradicts FBI Claims Re Bomber Brother's Russian Trip
Remember the FBI claim that the reason it failed to twig to Tamerlan Tsarnaev's six month visit to Russia is because his name was misspelled? Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano says that's a load of codswallop:
In a separate hearing on Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the FBI had been aware of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's trip to Russia, contradicting Senator Graham's allegation that the trip had been overlooked because his name had been misspelled in travel documents.To be clear, it wasn't Graham's allegation. It was the FBI's.
Beware of Muslims Who Disavow Terrorism But Who Embrace Spin and Relativism
Guys like this one, for instance:
(CNN) -- I'm an American-Muslim and I despise Islamic terrorists. In fact, despise is not even a strong enough word to convey my true feelings about those who kill innocent people in the name of Islam. I hate them with every fiber of my being.
I'm not going to tell you, "Islam is a religion of peace." Nor will I tell you that Islam is a religion of violence. What I will say is that Islam is a religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, is intended to bring you closer to God. And sadly we have seen people use the name of each of these Abrahamic faiths to wage and justify violence.
What's the use of fiber-replete hate if you're not also willing to acknowledge that they are being inspired by something intrinsic to Islamic doctrine, i.e. the jihad imperative?The unique problem for Muslims is that our faith is being increasingly defined by the actions of a tiny group of morally bankrupt terrorists. Just to be clear: The people who commit violence in the name of Islam are not Muslims, they are murderers. Their true religion is hatred and inhumanity...
This Just In: "Terror Has Nothing to Do With Islam"
That's what a Canadian Muslim group wants you to believe, at least. Of course, to do so you'll have to ignore this.
Justin Trudeau's Rodney King Pitch: “We Can Keep Mistrusting and Finding Flaws in Each Other or We Can Pull Together and Get to Work”
The late Mr. King would've made a better prime minister than the jejune Mr. T.
Update: Globe and Mail scribbler Jeffrey Simpson (who so hates Conservatives that he calls them mendacious and malicious) calls Trudeau's terror gaffe "a gift" to those who oppose him.
Update: Globe and Mail scribbler Jeffrey Simpson (who so hates Conservatives that he calls them mendacious and malicious) calls Trudeau's terror gaffe "a gift" to those who oppose him.
Back Off, Backlash Breath
There two headlines say it all: American Muslims 'Understandably' Very Worried About Backlash; Where is the mob of Muslim-hating Americans going crazy after Boston? It's a figment of liberals' imaginations.
Meanwhile, President Obama wants you to know that there is more than one way to look at "jihad" (it's really an intense personal struggle, don't ya know?):
Meanwhile, President Obama wants you to know that there is more than one way to look at "jihad" (it's really an intense personal struggle, don't ya know?):
"If You Go On Jihad, Wear Good Shoes"
That's merely one of many practical tips young wannabe holy warriors can find in Inspire, the Al Qaeda rag that inspired the Tzarnaev brothers to whip up a bomb in the kitchen of their mom (even if that's not where they made their shrapnel-filled pressure cooker device).
Radical Cleric Qaradawi Hates Jews, Refuses to Take Part in One of Those Phony Baloney Interfaith Repasts
Influential Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi boycotted an inter-faith dialogue conference that opened in Doha on Tuesday, rejecting to sit in the meeting also attended by Jewish representatives, a local daily reported.
"I decided not to participate so I wouldn't sit at the same platform alongside Jews who still violate Palestine and destroy mosques and as long as the Palestinian issue has not been resolved," Qaradawi told the Al-Arab daily of Qatar.
"There is no more injustice than what the Jews have caused to our people in Palestine."
No tasty samosas for you, Yusuf!The International Union of Muslim Scholars which he heads is, however, represented at the conference which brings together 500 personalities from 75 countries representing the three monotheistic religions.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Train Terror Suspect Claims He Was Arrested Because of "Appearances"
Also--although he's a PhD candidate working at a scientific institute in Montreal, he doesn't seem to live anywhere in particular, which appears to be really weird, at least to me:
One of the suspects in an alleged al-Qaida terror plot to derail a Canadian passenger train claimed in court on Tuesday that the charges against him were unfair – and based merely "on appearances".
At a brief hearing in Montreal, prosecutors laid outlined the accusations against Chiheb Esseghaier, 30. His alleged accomplice, Raed Jaser, 35, made a separate court appearance in Toronto. Charges against the pair include conspiring to carry out an attack and murder people in association with a terrorist group. Both are accused of receiving "directions and guidance" from members of al-Qaida in Iran.
Wearing a dark navy sports jacket and glasses, and a long thick beard, Esseghaier, 30, calmly confirmed that he understood the charges. He said in French: "The conclusions have been made based on acts and words which are only appearances." The judge told him he would have a chance to address the charges in due course. He was sent to Toronto and will appear in court there later this week.
Esseghaier, a Tunisian doctoral student at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, has "no fixed" address, according to police documents. Richard Roy, public prosecutions of Canada in Montreal's Palais de la Justice, said Esseghaier declined an offer of representation by a court-appointed lawyer...Take the lawyer, dude. You're going to need one.
Argo Pretend I'm Poor
As part of Live Below the Line, a campaign intended to change the way people think about poverty, immensely rich and successful Hollywood actor/director Ben Affleck is going to live on a food budget of $1.50 a day for four days.
It's Official--Dickie Falk Is Off His Rocker
No doubt about it--the man's an utter loon:
Richard Falk, an official for the U.N. Human Rights Council, in an online commentary blamed the Boston Marathon bombing on “Tel Aviv.”
“(A)s long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy,” Falk, the council’s special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, wrote in an Op-Ed posted to the online Foreign Policy Journal on Tuesday.
Falk, who has said the George W. Bush administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks, also called the Boston attack “retribution” for the actions of the U.S. military in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.
“The American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world,” Falk wrote. “In some respects, the United States has been fortunate not to experience worse blowbacks, and these may yet happen, especially if there is no disposition to rethink US relations to others in the world, starting with the Middle East.”
In recent months, Falk published an anti-Semitic cartoon on his blog and called for a boycott of Israel.What a charmer!
Crazy for Jihad in France
From USA Today:
PARIS (AP) — An escapee from a psychiatric institution slashed a rabbi and his son with a box-cutter on Tuesday, prompting witnesses to tackle and subdue the attacker after a chase through a Paris synagogue, officials said.
The rabbi, who is in his late 40s, was recovering from surgery for a neck injury and his 18-year-old son sustained lesser injuries in the attack north of a touristic shopping area near Paris' gilded Opera Garnier, according to police and judicial officials and Richard Prasquier, who heads CRIF, France's largest umbrella organization of Jewish groups.
The assailant was of Iranian origin, and an official investigation was underway to determine a possible motive, Prasquier said. The attacker, now in police custody, had escaped from a psychiatric hospital near southeastern Lyon last week, said a police official on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.
Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre, a spokeswoman for the Paris prosecutor's office, said the two victims had been wearing Jewish skullcaps, and the attacker was detained after a chase through the synagogue. The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which monitors anti-Semitic incidents worldwide, said in a statement that the assailant screamed "Allah-u-Akbar" — or "God is great" — during the attack.
Move Over, "Islamophobia." There's a New Phobia in Town
It's Iranophobia and Canada, apparently, has it bad:
Iranophobia? Halevai (rough translation from the Yiddish: if only), as my late bubby might have said.
LONDON — Iran on Tuesday strongly rejected Canadian police claims that a planned terrorist attack to derail a passenger train was linked to Al Qaeda elements on its soil, saying there was “no shred of evidence” to substantiate the claim, reports by Iranian state media said.
As I watched the angry mob of Zion-loathers celebrating the Ayatollah Khomeini's Al Quds Day on the grounds of Ontario's provincial legislature this past summer, it didn't seem to me as if Iranophobia was on Canada's agenda. Far from it. In fact, it appeared that, if anything, we were far too tolerant of the Khomeinist agenda, and that we had opened our doors to far too many folks who openly embrace it--to the detriment of both Canada and Canadian Jewry.Speaking at a scheduled news conference, Ramin Mehmanparast, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, accused Canada of hostility toward his country, according to the Press TV satellite broadcaster. “The Islamic Republic of Iran is the biggest victim of terrorism, but the extremist administration of Canada has put Iranophobia on its agenda over the recent years,” he said...
Iranophobia? Halevai (rough translation from the Yiddish: if only), as my late bubby might have said.
The Cure for Fraying Nerves at Airports: Puppy Love?
Sounds like a plan to me:
Some people recommend a stiff drink to combat anxiety about flying. Officials at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) think they have a better solution: friendly dogs.
Launched this week at LAX, the Pets Unstressing Passengers -- or "PUP" program -- aims to have tails wagging in various terminals at the airport in an effort to create a less stressful environment for travelers.
"It’s a great opportunity to spread happiness to millions of travelers from all over the world," said Los Angeles World Airports Executive Director Gina Marie Lindsey in a release. "Expect to see the PUP’s on a regular basis in Terminals at LAX.”
The release hastened to add that all dogs and their handlers have undergone both classroom and "in-terminal" training. The dogs, a mixture of mutts, Dobermans, Bichon frises and other breeds, will be identified by red vests that read "Pet Me!" according to the Los Angeles Times.
Similar programs have launched at the Miami International Airport and the San Jose International Airport in the last several years, undoubtedly bringing a more welcome form of "pat down" than those currently offered by the Transportation Security Administration.Too bad Tamerlan Tsarnaev's brand of religion didn't allow him to kick back with a golden retriever and a glass of merlot. He might have been a whole lot calmer.
![]() |
Feeling "excluded/marginalized"? Get a puppy! |
Can President Outreach Protect America?
This American Thinker says no way:
Obama did not create the Islamist ideology that has fed the fervor of modern-day terrorism. But from his Cairo speech through his speech Monday night just after the Boston bombings, in which he refused to call the attacks terrorism (he conceded the point the following day), he has made it clear that he does not believe that terrorism is a continuing threat to the lives and safety of Americans. His refusal to use the terms "War on Terror" and "Islamic fundamentalism" are just examples of a belief either that he can wish away evil or that evil simply does not exist. But what the country needs is a president who understands Islamic jihad for what it is -- the totalitarian, fundamentalist dogma that drives the violence perpetrated by those who have waged holy war on the West. And Obama has yet to give us any indication that he understands these very real threats, or that he is interested in, and capable of, protecting us from them.
When You Tolerate the Intolerable You End Up Like Mrs. Tamerlan Tzarnaev
She's both widow and metaphor:
The story of Katherine Russell is the story of Europe and America. It’s the story of what happens when you tolerate and tolerate until you’re wearing a Hijab and a black eye and your husband roams the streets murdering your friends and neighbors in the name of the religion you accepted even though you don’t really understand it.
Monday, April 22, 2013
The Broad Strata of Jihad
Last week it was young "lone wolf" home-grown domestic terrorists wreaking havoc in Boston. This week it's somewhat older foreign nationals with ties to al Qaeda and Iran being foiled in Canada.
Breaking News: Canada Thwarts Major Terror Plot
Scant details as yet; more info to come shortly.
Update: From the CTV report:
Update: Stewart Bells tweets their names--Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser.
Update: The first guy is a PhD student from Tunisia.
Update: Their ages are 30 and 35.
Update: From the CTV report:
The suspects are described as being older, so “it does not appear to be a case of radicalization of youth,"...Update: Two jihadis (with possible ties to al Qaeda) allegedly wanted to blow up a bridge while a train full of passengers en route from Toronto to New York City was crossing it.
Update: Stewart Bells tweets their names--Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser.
Update: The first guy is a PhD student from Tunisia.
Update: Their ages are 30 and 35.
What Motivated the Elder Chechen Brother to Turn to a Life of Jihad? I Say We Blame His Mom
She wanted to keep him away from bad influences and so she turned him toward Islam:
Once known as a quiet teenager who aspired to be a boxer, Tamerlan Tsarnaev delved deeply into religion in recent years at the urging of his mother, who feared he was slipping into a life of marijuana, girls and alcohol. Tamerlan quit drinking and smoking, gave up boxing because he thought it was in opposition to his religion, and began pushing the rest of his family to pursue stricter ways, his mother recalled.
"You know how Islam has changed me," his mother, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in Makhachkala, Dagestan, says he told her.If he'd balked at mom and stuck with his life of booze, broads and boxing he'd probably be alive today.
The Hard Hypocrisy of Low Expectations
Nick Cohen writes:
No group is better than liberal academics at illustrating how racist anti-racism has become. As liberals, they ought to respect individual rights and oppose reactionary attempts to corral and control. As academics, they ought to look for evidence that shakes comfortable opinions. As it is, they do neither.In human rights organisations, leftish political parties, liberal newspapers and, above all, in the universities, committed and morally earnest people would rather die than admit that radical Islam is a murderous and oppressive movement. The effect of their evasion is to promote the racism they say they oppose, while denying their supposed allies in "Muslim lands" and immigrant communities the same rights as they enjoy. Hypocrisy is too meagre a word to cover their behaviour.
File This One Under "Jihad? What Jihad?"
The surviving bomber brother will not be tried as an "enemy combatant."
Greening the Discussion Makes Dawa More Palatable
Just a spoonful of eco-malarkey makes the medicine go down in the most delightful way!

Update: My dear stupid, gullible, guileless, well-meaning Jews--the Muslim Association of Canada is a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate.
Update: My dear stupid, gullible, guileless, well-meaning Jews--the Muslim Association of Canada is a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate.
The Tsarneav Brothers Sing Diamond!
Where it began,
Kafirs don't wanna notice
Knowin' jihad is growin' strong.
Was way back when,
When Mo first got his mojo,
Showed the whole globe where it went wrong.
Shrapnel bombs,
Blowing up,
Blowing out,
'Sploding you.
It's the jihad (bomb, bomb, bomb).
Good times for us but not for you.
We're really mad (bomb, bomb, bomb)
And we know what we should do,
It's true...
Kafirs don't wanna notice
Knowin' jihad is growin' strong.
Was way back when,
When Mo first got his mojo,
Showed the whole globe where it went wrong.
Shrapnel bombs,
Blowing up,
Blowing out,
'Sploding you.
It's the jihad (bomb, bomb, bomb).
Good times for us but not for you.
We're really mad (bomb, bomb, bomb)
And we know what we should do,
It's true...
John Kerry Compares the Boston Marathon Victims to the Jihadis Who Were Killed by Israel During the Mavi Marmara Incident
I didn't think it was possible, but John Kerry is turning out to be an even worse Secretary of State than Hillary Clinton.
Make No Mistake--It Was Jihad
Connecting the brothers Tsarnaev and all the other "lone wolves" so as to reveal their pack mentality (and our own blindness to it), Mike Mukasey writes:

Update: "Alienation and feeling left out": the reasons a Kingston, Ontario imam gave on Ceeb radio just now for why young men would turn to "terrorism" (let's not call it jihad, 'kay?).
For five years we have heard, principally from those who wield executive power, of a claimed need to make fundamental changes in this country, to change the world's—particularly the Muslim world's—perception of us, to press "reset" buttons. We have heard not a word from those sources suggesting any need to understand and confront a totalitarian ideology that has existed since at least the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920s.True enough, and we're unlikely to hear it anytime soon, because that message, quite simply, is far too unpleasant. No, we're far more likely to hear the same old, same old--"root causes," terrorists have misunderstood the true Islam, jihad is an intense personal struggle to follow God, and Islam is and remains all about peace.
Update: "Alienation and feeling left out": the reasons a Kingston, Ontario imam gave on Ceeb radio just now for why young men would turn to "terrorism" (let's not call it jihad, 'kay?).
CAIR: It's Your Fault, Kafirs!
In the aftermath of the chaos unleashed by the Tsarnaev brothers, CAIR has made the astounding claim that the biggest problem re the American-Islamic relationship is, of course, "Islamophobia."
Nice try, semi-crypto triumphalists. The biggest problem between the two is far more insidious, and should be obvious by now. It's the Islamophilia--of jihadis.
Update: OnIslam interviews a CAIR functionary re the Boston bombing:
Nice try, semi-crypto triumphalists. The biggest problem between the two is far more insidious, and should be obvious by now. It's the Islamophilia--of jihadis.
Update: OnIslam interviews a CAIR functionary re the Boston bombing:
OI: The suspects of the Boston attacks turned out to be Muslims, again like most attacks since 9/11, do you think it is a coincident (sic)?
Shibly: Actually, most terrorist attacks in the US have not been planned by people who have anything to do with Islam. For example, according to the FBI, between 1980-2005, only 6 percent of terrorist attacks in the US involved Muslims. Now even 1 percent is too much, nonetheless, it certainly is not the majority.
Furthermore, American political scientists have made it very clear that those who commit acts of terrorism have nothing to do with religion and are often motivated by political, not religious, reasons. Actually, such attacks can never be justified and truly are nothing more than the result of having a twisted and sick mind.Nothing to do with religion. Move along now, Islamophobes 'n' philes.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The Root Cause of the Boston Bombing: It's Not Deprivation/Marginalization. It's Hatred of the Infidel
David Horowitz writes:
The Boston killers were treated better in America than all but an elite among Americans born here who love their country. They were given scholarships, they were admitted to the most exclusive prep schools, they lived in a Cambridge environment where critics of Islamic terror were regarded as Islamophobes and they as a minority deserving special consideration and concern. And yet they hated us. They hated America and ordinary Americans like the victims of their mayhem, and enlisted in the army of our mortal enemies. They hated us because they were fanatical believers in the idea that Mohammed had desired them to kill infidels and purify the earth for Allah. This is the face of our enemy and the sooner the delusional liberals among us wake up to this fact, the safer all of us will be.Quite so.
How Leftists Think
They think like this:
The greatest sympathy is reserved for the families of those who were killed by the bombing and in the violent pursuit that followed—and for the dozens who were severely injured in the blasts. Even the most ardent New Yorkers felt a profound allegiance to, and love for, the people of Boston. But, as the day was coming to an end, you could not help but feel something, too, for the parents of the perpetrators, neither of whom could fathom the possibility of their sons’ guilt, much less their cruelty and evil. Interviewed at their apartment in Makhachkala, the capital city of Dagestan, they spoke of a “setup,” an F.B.I. plot. The mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, told the television station Russia Today, “Every single day, my son used to call me and ask me, ‘How are you, Mama?’ Both of them. ‘Mama, we love you.’ . . . My son never would keep a secret.” The father described Dzhokhar as an “angel.” By the end of Friday (Saturday morning in Dagestan) their sons were gone—one dead, the other wounded, hospitalized, and under arrest.I must be made of ice because I felt not a shred of sympathy for the parents--for the mom, who shoplifted pricey items from Lord &Taylor, ironically (ironic because it was the cameras on the front of that establishment which caught her sons on film, and that led to their arrest); for the dad, who after years in the U.S., decamped to Russia. Seems to me that they left their sons to fend for themselves. That they couldn't possibly fathom their son's guilt/evil is a function of their own parental fecklessness, but no reason to "feel something" for these two.
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