Thursday, January 2, 2014

Justin Trudeau's Obama-esque Promise

Just back from a visit to Texas and trying to catch up on what I missed, I happened upon the following quote in last year's final issue of the Canadian Jewish News (now purportedly "edgier"):
There is no question in my mind that Canada will always be, must always be, a strong, true friend to Israel, not just for historical reasons or for moral reasons, but because supporting the only democracy in the Middle East in an area that is rife with strife and conflict is a path toward a more stable, more peaceful, more accepting world. So I am happy to say that I am a strong friend of Israel and the Liberal Party is a strong friend of Israel.
These words are attributed to "Justin Trudeau, MP, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada" and, rife with jejunosity and squish as they are (a "more peaceful, more accepting world"?--let's all join hands and sing Kumbaya 'round the campfire!), it is quite plausible that young Justin and not one of his PR flunkies is actually responsible for them. What is far less believable, given Justin's previous history of sucking up to Islamists as well as the influence his Zion-loathing brother plays in his life, is that he possesses the cherries and the mental acuity to live up to this vow.

Put it this way, I see the above quotation as Justin's way of telling Canadian Jews: "If you like your Israel, you can keep your Israel."

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